living for eternity today

Tag: Christmas (Page 8 of 11)

The Sixth Day of Christmas

On the sixth day of Christmas
my true love gave to me
Six Geese a Laying.

Now if you’ve been tracking with us for the past few days, then this one probably won’t be all that much of a surprise to you. Numbers are pretty important in the bible. Each number has its own significance and meaning. And the number six is no different. On this sixth day of Christmas we celebrate the six days of creation and the reminder that even though it looks complete it wasn’t finished until day seven when God rested. Continue reading

The Fifth Day of Christmas

On the fifth day of Christmas
my true love gave to me
Five Golden Rings.

If you remember the story of wisemen brining gifts to the baby Jesus, you’ll remember those gifts to be gold, incense and myrrh. Now that we are five days into our Christmas celebration you undoubtedly have received a gift or two yourself. Perhaps your gifts are different? Maybe you received money to buy what you really need most. Perhaps it was clothing that filled the boxes under your tree. Maybe it was something practical that you wouldn’t buy yourself. Whatever it was, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving. Continue reading

The Fourth Day of Christmas

On the fourth day of Christmas
my true love gave to me

four calling birds.

Would you believe that this is likely not the way the song was worded originally? We’re so used to having received the 4 calling birds on day 4 that anything seems a little strange. But in all likelihood the word calling was actually the word colly when the song was first written. But what in the world is a colly bird? Continue reading

The Second Day of Christmas

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me two turtle doves.

In today’s culture it’s fairly easy to thin that today Christmas is over. The trees in our living rooms are starting to lose too many needles and causing a mess. The lights, while a beautiful addition to our homes are running the electric bill a little higher than we’d like. The extra decorations are starting to feel a bit like clutter already. And this doesn’t include the extra trash in our homes due to all of the gifts we’ve just unwrapped.  Continue reading

First Day of Christmas

On the 1st Day of Christmas
my true love gave to me
a partridge in a pear tree. 

This famous Christmas song is significantly deeper than one might think. It sounds a little silly to hear of lords a leaping and ladies dancing but each of these have a meaning behind the words. And we’re going to unpack these meanings over the next 12 days. These 12 days culminate with a day known as Epiphany, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We will start at the beginning and we’ll get to day 12 in due time. Continue reading

Breath of Heaven

Have you ever thought about what the first Christmas was like? So many different people were involved in the story, and each bring a new perspective. Today I would like to focus on Christmas from Mary’s perspective. What was it like to have been chosen by God? Mary must have been filled with hundreds of emotions ranging from joy to fear. This weeks Music Monday represents what I imagine Mary was feeling that first Christmas. Continue reading

Breathe, No Really Breathe!

It’s that time of year again; the month of December is a busy one for most people. For many people December is filled with the stresses of end of the year work assignments and projects, exams for students, meal planning and preparations, shopping and making sure everyone on your list has a Christmas gift, and of course looking forward to what next year has to bring. Our lives have become so busy and we’re constantly on the go. When do we make time for Jesus during this busy Christmas season. Afterall, it is all about Him. Continue reading

Hope Was Born This Night

Christmas is one of those unique and special times of year that remind us that there is hope. Even when life throws us a curve ball and things just don’t go quite as planned, there’s hope. This Christmas chances are there will be something happen out of the normal. Chances are someone will do or say something to you that makes you question everything. How will you react? How will you find your way through it all?  Continue reading

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