living for eternity today

Tag: Christ

Christ Our Hope in Life and Death

It’s been said that only two things are certain in life – death and taxes. But really only one thing if we’re being honest. You can adjust your deductions and even lose your job and your tax situation will change drastically. But you can’t escape the reality of death. It happens all around us. It sees as if death is knocking at the door of so many of our lives and we are having a hard time determining how to handle it.

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Call It Grace

There’s something about being a follower of Jesus that just doesn’t make sense to many people. Maybe you’re one of them. I get it. If I’m looking at it with my simple eyes, it just doesn’t make sense. I mean really. The foundation of the Christian faith is Jesus and his death and resurrection. Think about it for just half a second. Who does that? Who could believe that a man would willingly die that kind of death for people he’d never even met?! It’s craziness! And that says nothing about raising from the dead!?! Continue reading

Potter’s Hands

Last week we started to talk about clay and a potter’s wheel. We looked at the importance of getting off to a right start by ensuring the clay is in the center of the wheel. When the clay is off-center, well things don’t turn out as planned, but you can read more about that here. This week we’re going to look at how the work gets done, and it has nothing to do with the lump of clay! It’s all about the potter’s hands.  Continue reading

Centered Clay

I’ve never used a potter’s wheel and quite frankly not sure I ever will. But I think there’s a lesson we can learn about life if we look at what goes into making a beautiful vase, or anything for that matter, on a potter’s wheel. Each Wednesday this month we’ll take another look at the wheel from a little different perspective but for today let’s just think about getting ready to make something. We won’t even turn the wheel on yet. We’re just going to sit and look at the wheel and the lump of clay.  Continue reading

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