While digging around on Apple Music, I was able to find a few songs I haven’t heard so far. Today’s Music Monday focuses on the difference that being a follower should make on our lives. It’s far too easy to let Jesus be just another part of our day. It’s easy to compartmentalize our faith from the rest of our lives. But there has to be a better way.

When I listen to this song and read the lyrics, I’m reminded of my children. They aren’t just my children some days, when they want to be. They’re always going to be my children. Even when my one son heads off to the US Army or my other son pursues his dreams in the FBI, they’ll still be my children. No matter where they go or what they do, they will always be my children.

It’s the same way in our relationship with God. We’re His children. Not just on Sundays or when we want something from Him. We’re His children all the time. The world around us will tell us what we want to hear then snatch our dreams from us. There is no one in our lives who’s in our corner and always for us. But our Father is here. He may not agree with what we do. He may correct us or rebuke us or even let punishment come on us, but he never will leave us or forsake us.

My grandpa always used to say If you find yourself far from God, ask yourself who moved. As a child of God we are never going to experience a time when God runs from us. He is with us and for us even when He lets punishment come our way.

When we truly find the difference that comes in knowing Jesus and being known by Him, we’ll find a freedom in life that we’ve never before experienced. We’ll find joy in sadness, peace in conflict, provision in a season of want. Being a child of God makes all the difference. My prayer for you today is that you experience this reality and let it shape your life this week.