living for eternity today

Tag: Changed

Gross! What’s In The Bowl?

We use our dishwasher a lot. With a house of five and the speed of our schedules it’s just easier to throw the dishes in the dishwasher and let technology help us out a bit. Sometimes automating a task is super helpful. But there’s a small problem. Every once in a while we overfill the dishwasher and stack one bowl on top of another of block the arm of the dishwasher from spinning. When this happens the dishes don’t get cleaned all the way. Often the outside of the bowl will be clean but the inside remains dirty.

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This Place

What do you think of when you hear the word church? Do you think of a building, or a comfortable home, or maybe when you hear church you think of an obligation every Sunday. However, church has a different meaning. For years I lived believing that church was a building where I worshipped God. But church isn’t about a building with four walls and a roof. Once I was told that church was anywhere where two or more are gathered to worship Jesus. I believed that definition for a while, but now I disagree. Continue reading

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