living for eternity today

Tag: burdens

This Place

What do you think of when you hear the word church? Do you think of a building, or a comfortable home, or maybe when you hear church you think of an obligation every Sunday. However, church has a different meaning. For years I lived believing that church was a building where I worshipped God. But church isn’t about a building with four walls and a roof. Once I was told that church was anywhere where two or more are gathered to worship Jesus. I believed that definition for a while, but now I disagree. Continue reading

Pushing On A Pull Door

pullWhat an embarrassing moment that was! Not too long ago, I was trying to get out the door to a store. I walked up to the door, admittedly not paying attention to what was in front of me. I grabbed the handle and pushed the door. It didn’t open, so I pushed a little harder. Then I jiggled the handle.

Wouldn’t you know it…the door was a pull door! I was so embarrassed that I can’t even put it into words. My face turned red. I played it off as if it was no big deal, but that didn’t change the fact that I missed the big red sign right in front of me that said PULLContinue reading

Come As You Are

David-Crowder-Come-As-You-Are-Lyric-VideoThe name alone is great! Come as you are. It means that you don’t need to change anything to be accepted. You don’t need to be different from you are right now. You don’t need to have it all together. You don’t have to have your life perfect before you come in.

Unfortunately that’s not the message many people hear. Too many people see the church as a place where you’re only accepted if you’ve got it all together. But that’s just not the way it should be! Jesus invites us who are . Give this song a listen. Just sit and listen to the words.

Come as you are with all of your pains and all of your hurts. Come just as you are right now. Don’t wait until you have it all together. God wants to be the one who carries you through the difficult times in life. And the best part…he’s always there. You need not see him. You may not even feel his presence at times. But know this, there’s never a time when you’re actually alone. He’s right there.

A common misconception is that God won’t let you go through more than you can bear. The hard truth is that he regularly allows us to go through more than we can bear. He just walks that road with us. .

Today just come as you are and let Jesus hold you.

Too Big

Have you ever felt like you didn’t have what it took to accomplish a job? Like the burdens of your day were too much for you to handle? Like you were under qualified for a task? This is a scary thing for many people. When we don’t feel confident for the task at hand it’s as if we’re wearing someone else’s armor.

3999_moh_09_thumbIn the movie Men of Honor a young diver goes through intense pressure to become a Naval Diving Officer. After an accident, he loses his leg and needs a prosthetic to allow him to walk. After a period of recovery, he attempts to finish his officer training only to find out that the regulations have changed and the armor is now heavier. The climax of the movie comes when he is called to walk 12 steps carrying this new armor’s weight using his prosthetic limb.  Continue reading

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