living for eternity today

Tag: breath of life

Fresh Wind

I’ve been working in my basement to make it more of a fun and livable area in our home. But one thing about a basement is that if there’s not adequate air flow and ventilation things can get a little stale and stagnant. In our home there are no air vents in the basement and no returns down there either, so the air just sits. One of the final steps I’ll take is to open up a couple of air exchange vents so that we can get some fresh air into what otherwise would be a stale air environment.

But it’s not just basements that need fresh air. Sometimes, if we’re honest, we need some fresh wind in our lives as well. We get so caught up in the way it’s been done and in the comforts of life that we kind of grow stale and stagnant. We need a fresh perspective and a new way of approaching things.

This may not be a popular opinion by any means, but I am starting to wonder if 2020 wasn’t the call for a fresh wind. I wonder if God didn’t see the need for us to stop doing things comfortably and start doing them in a new and fresh way. Could God be using the massive disruption that we all experienced in 2020 as a way to breathe some fresh wind into our lives?

We don’t always need pandemics and massive social uprisings to find new wind in our lives. We can find this very thing as we dive into the Scripture and spend time with fellow believers. Fresh wind comes when God breathes new insights into our current realities.

Today’s Music Monday is about realizing the need for this fresh wind perspective and then experiencing just that – the breath of God breathed into us all over again to revive us and wake us from our comfortable slumber.

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