living for eternity today

Tag: baptism


Remember the last time you tried to get that perfect picture? Maybe it was a beautiful landscape shot. Perhaps it was a picture of your kids who just never seem to stand still. Maybe it was a picture of you and your significant other. Who or what the subject is really doesn’t matter. The point is the picture is about to be ruined! Someone #photobombs the picture.

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Where Did We Go Wrong?


There seems to be an epidemic in the world today. It’s almost like the exodus event is happening in modern times just not with the same intended result. In the Old Testament, the people of God fled the oppression of their captors. But in our society it seems that our children’ are fleeing the loving and open arms of their savior. This fact is leaving many moms and dads confused, concerned and consumed by feelings of guilt. Where did we go wrong? What could we have done differently? Continue reading

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