Do we even know what the truth is anymore? We’ve become so conditioned to just float certain answers around as if they were truth when they really are far from it. How often do you really tell someone the truth when they ask How are you?

Oh I’m fine! We say. All is good…we proclaim. But truth be told we’re far from fine and things are nowhere near good.

Here at church I hear the phrase It’s fine. Everything is fine! a great deal. But one thing I know for certain is that when I hear that phrase, I know things are far from fine and stress is already mounting.

We live in a culture where not being good or even fine is viewed as a weakness. But you know what I’m not fine. Some days I’m far from it. I get tired. I let stress mount to the point where I get headaches. I get so not fine at times that I can’t sleep. But no matter how not good I am, God already knows it.

Today’s Music Monday is about being honest and truthful with who we are. It’s about admitting the not good moments. It’s about realizing and recognizing that even in those not good moments when nothing is going right, God knows and he still wants to be near us.

Truth be told life is good somedays and it thoroughly sucks other days. But truth be told, God loves me even on the bad days and that makes them more bearable. What’s your truth moment today?