For those of you that know me well, one thing you would certainly not say is that I’m a traditional kind of guy. I don’t sit still long enough to establish traditions. I love to try new things with the intent of meeting and connecting with new people. I’m one of those blaze your own trail kind of guys. Or to quote another phrase grass doesn’t grow under my feet. Continue reading
Tag: advent (Page 8 of 9)
Today marks the beginning of a new time in the church called advent. But what in the world do all of these names mean anyway? It can be a little overwhelming, especially if you’ve never really been involved in the church. And to be 100% honest, I would venture to guess that many of you who do attend church on a regular basis might have a couple of questions.
Advent is that time leading up to Christmas. It’s not Christmas. It’s advent. It starts the Sunday after Thanksgiving and lasts until Christmas Eve. Things in the church change a little bit when advent starts. If you’re in a church with colorful fabric coverings on an altar, then these will likely change to blue. You’ll typically see an advent wreath pop up somewhere in the church. And it’s very likely that you’ll have a manger scene somewhere in your worship facility.
Advent is a time of waiting. It’s a time for followers of Jesus to wait for the coming of Christmas. Just like the people of Israel throughout the Old Testament had to wait for the one they called Messiah, so also we must wait.
All too often though we don’t give advent much thought. We try to rush past advent because Christmas is the exciting time. We want to get past all of those candles and jump right into the presents. Each of the candles on the advent wreath are reminders of gifts already given. The candles of hope, love, peace, and joy all point us forward to the day when we’ll see it exactly as it’s supposed to be seen.
So this advent don’t rush. Take your time. Enjoy each day. Live in each moment. Slow down. Breathe. Feel the calm of waiting. For some of us type-A people waiting is pretty rough stuff. Before advent even arrived I was off and planning Easter stuff. The challenge is real but the struggle is worth it. Advent is such a rich time in the life of the church.
This advent season we’re trying to bring back the richness of these days of waiting and preparation. The church I serve, Living Word, is having a little fun this advent by taking pictures of various things throughout the season. Things that remind us of what advent really means. Feel free to head on over to join us for the fun. Or make up your own way to celebrate the season. But whatever you do, slow down through this time and just enjoy every moment because you’ll never get them back.
Be with the ones you love. Love the ones you’re with. Serve the ones you can. Pray for those you can’t serve. But in all things know that this advent the King is coming.
I love the season of Christmas! It’s wonderful and gives a strange sense of warmth that just isn’t there the rest of the year. But this year’s been somewhat different. There have been a lot of things going on this year and I just feel busier than normal. I’ve not really felt that whole Christmas spirit thing that I normally have by early October. Continue reading
This is one of my favorite songs of the Christmas season. It’s not an easy one to sing, especially for someone who isn’t all that great at singing. But it’s an uplifting song. Listen to the words. If you have a hard time keeping up, check out the lyrics here. Continue reading
This is Christmas week! It’s finally here! I know we’ll all be tempted to rush through this week in an attempt to just get it over with. What a shame! Christmas isn’t something to just get over with. As a matter of fact I even found myself in this train of thought this year. We were under construction at church, several family events leading up to Christmas, all of the extra worship services to prep, hospital and shut-in visits to make, and the list seemed to go on and on. I was just ready to wake up on December 28th and have it all behind me. Continue reading
As you are probably well aware, Christmas is about a week and a half away. With all of the prep for the big day, it’s pretty easy to get a bit lost in the shuffle. This week we’re going to slow things down quite a bit and take a minute to celebrate the beauty of this precious season. Continue reading
I thought it was time to change things up a little bit. After all, we’re only 3 weeks from Christmas! Are you ready? Are you getting it all set so that this will be the BEST Christmas ever? This time of year we hustle around to get the right gift for that special someone. We look high and low. We hunt the ads, bulldoze people through the store lines to get that door buster deal. Continue reading
Twas the night before Christmas, when Mary and Jo
In a manger were resting for their baby to show
A stable was where they would make up their beds
And straw was the pillow they’d use for their heads.
The evening was ending, the time was at hand
A baby named Jesus was born in that land.
She wrapped him up tight and swaddled him close
With this child came God’s love, and a heavenly dose! Continue reading