living for eternity today

Tag: above all names (Page 2 of 2)

Son of God

And behold, a voice from heaven said,
“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 3:17

It’s one thing for shepherds to shout good news of a Savior come in a manger or a riff-raff crowd of disciples to say that they have found the Messiah. It’s another thing for a man named Jesus to identify Himself as the Son of God. God knows that sometimes people need it spelled out plainly, sometimes they need a bullhorn proclamation, a moment to take notice. In His Grace, God the Father delivers the message of just Who Jesus is, Himself, for us to read in His Word. Jesus as Son of God means One capable of saving. Son of God means great Sacrifice made by a Father to save a family. Son of God means Redemption has come, wrapped in love, for each of us.

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.

Alpha & Omega

I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the first and the last,
the beginning and the end.

Revelation 22:13

Jesus, with the Father and the Spirit, was there before the beginning of time and will be there when time as we know it closes and eternity becomes our absolute reality – forever in the best way we can’t even imagine! But Jesus Christ as Alpha and Omega reminds us that God isn’t just about eternity. He also values the middle. Alpha, is the beginning of the Greek alphabet, and Omega is the end of the Greek alphabet, so it’s also a way of saying He is the A to Z. He is our A’s and our Z’s and every letter in between. Without Him, things lose their purpose, their meaning, because they lack the Writer of each word, each story. In Him, we see the letters of our days come together and Hope springs new!

Blog post contributed by Heidi Goehman and Sarah Baughman

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