This week I want you to think about an orchestra. You know the stage and the director and the host of different instrumentalists all playing the same song but in their own unique voices. A symphony is a pretty impressive thing when you really think about it. You can have 40, 60, even 100 or more people all in one place playing the same song but when each of them play their own part alone it doesn’t sound the same. When the clarinet plays by itself, it sure doesn’t sound the same as when it’s in the orchestra setting. But when the clarinet plays its part along with the flutes, trumpets, tubas, trombones, percussion and all the other instruments the sound is powerful, beautiful and amazing.

This is the way I want us to see our lives. I know life can throw some pretty awful things our way. From illnesses to financial struggles to relationship breakdowns to fears to too much to do…so many things come flying at us from so many directions that it’s often overwhelming. But I wonder what would happen if we’d see these painful, tumultuous moments as voices in an orchestra if they wouldn’t sound different? Just like the clarinet playing its part alone isn’t always recognizable or even the most beautiful sound until its placed with the rest of the instruments, so also our struggles when seen alone sound awful!

But what happens when we combine our struggles with the rest of our life. The pain of the moment compared with the caring people around us combine to form a symphony of sound that is more pleasing to the ear. This week’s Music Monday is a song titled Symphony. As you listen to this week’s song realize that the struggles you face are just one instrument in a vast song that God is playing through your life. Each voice in the symphony is intentional and important. Don’t overlook the power of that one voice in your symphony because it’s playing the song of your life.