Who is your favorite superhero? Are you a masked hero kind of person? Do you prefer those like Spiderman or Batman? Or are you the quiet, unassuming type and prefer the Clark Kent type hero – who’s always Superman but doesn’t always show it. It really doesn’t matter who you prefer as your superhero of choice. The point is the superhero has one purpose – to rescue! If there is no villain, if you’re not trapped or in desperate need, then you don’t really need a superhero anymore. So what are the things from which you need rescued? And for what are you rescued?

Rescued From…
As we evaluate our lives, we realize that there might not be villains like the Riddler or Thanos or any of the other big screen villains. Bur we all face villains everyday. Some of us stand face to face with the villain of fear, while others battle the villain of addiction. We are in a cosmic battle of good versus evil every single day. And we’re losing! A paraphrase of what Paul says in Romans goes like this:

The good I want to do that I do not do, but the bad I don't want to do for some reason, that's what I end up doing! Share on X

We all need rescued and most of the time we don’t even realize it! We need rescued from the giants of fear, temptation, evil, sin and even death. This Sunday we’re going to chat about this in worship.

Rescued For…
But not only do we need rescued from these villains – we also need to be rescued for something. As we consider the purpose of our rescue we look away from our giants to a new life that God has in store for us. We look to a future that is secure and bright. We look forward to see the blessing of eternity and every good and perfect gift. All that is true, but if we constantly look ahead we’ll miss something right in front of us.

My personal motto for life for years has been living for eternity today. The idea is simple. If I know that my future is secure, why not let it make a difference today? If my eternity is the inheritance that Jesus won for me, then why not see something come of it today? The message of the Bible so often gets relegated to a simple futuristic hope that has little to do with today! But the scriptures are packed with promises for today. We have hope not only in our eternity but hope for today. We have the ability to love differently. We can see the world in a way that no one else can. We can use the gifts and skills given to us to serve one another.

Do you need a rescuer? Yes you do! His name is Jesus and he’s already beat your villains. He’s already defeated your giants. It’s time now for you to see the life he has right in front of you. It’s time to live for eternity today!