We generally fit into one of two categories. We’re either the can’t do anything right kind of people who are always down on ourselves and blame ourselves for the slightest problems that we had nothing to do with! Or we are prideful and arrogant and claim success and deny our own failures. Rarely is there a middle ground! This week’s Music Monday is about making the switch from both of these to the right way of living. It’s about finding the strength to let go of ourselves that we can find who we truly are in Christ.

We look for applause when we should be seeking forgiveness. We look for accolades and atto-boys instead of humbling ourselves in the sight of the Lord. We become either self aggrandizing or the opposite self denying. It’s all too easy in our DIY culture to think we’ve got this taken care of. It’s easy to pull myself up by my bootstraps and think if I just push harder, work more hours, finish that project, look like that person, sound like that perfect voice, then I’ll truly be in a good place. But this just isn’t the case. We need to let go.

If we’re honest, we have to admit there’s a war inside us. It’s a war between our will and reality most days. We spend so much time fighting the circumstances around us that we forget we have wings that allow us to soar high above our problems. So why do we cling so tight to our way and our strength?

The answer is found in this song, which for me is a prayer. Give me the strength to let go. We need to seek God’s help to surrender to our way and go where he is calling us to go. We need to lay our lives down and find our true meaning, true calling, true strength in the forgiveness given in Christ.