There’s a lot of talk in the world right now. Everyone has something to say. Bloggers blog. Writers write. Speakers speak. We update our Facebook with all of our thoughts and feelings. We have no problem telling peopel what we’re for and what we’re against. But there’s something we might have forgotten and that’s the theme of this week’s MusicMonday.

I recently heard this song by Jonny Diaz titled Starts With Love. The idea is that all of our words, thoughts and actions should start with love. Not the gooey kind of love that mushes all over everyone, but the real do hard things kind of love that puts the other person first.

The focus here is that when we put someone else first instead of ourselves we are able to realize that just because we see life differently, act differently, talk differently or even live different lives that we’re not necessarily enemies. When we start everything with love, we try to help someone more than hurt them. We try to trust someone before trampling them. We serve them before slamming them.

Who in your life do you need to start over with love? There’s no better time than now. And no better way than to start with love.