Growing up I used to spend time outside with friends. We would play games and imagine what life would be like if we were all soldiers or marines. We would form sports teams in the neighborhood playing games like football and kickball and baseball. I remember when I was fairly young we used to ask for a do over when things didn’t go quite the way we wanted them to go. We’d miss the ball at kickball – Do Over! We miss the tackle in football or miss the pass – Do Over!

As we grow older we realize that do-overs are thing of childhood dreams. In the workplace we don’t often get second chances. We make mistakes or break a rule, grace isn’t really on the forefront of our minds. Someone wrongs us and want to get even not forgive. Over and over again we look for a way out but rarely do we like to give those second chances. But what could happen if we could just start over?

Think back to a bad decision or a poor choice you made. What would you give to go back and do that all over again? If you could change one part of your past what would that one change be? Unfortunately that’s not possible to do in real time. But what if I told you there was a chance to start over? Would you take it?

This week’s MusicMonday is all about do-overs. The song is called Start Over and some of you won’t care for the style, but honestly perhaps we need to look past the style to the message behind the words. The video has the lyrics scrolling because they move pretty quickly. Read them. Pay attention to the message of what it looks like to Start Over. This is grace. It’s the essence of the gospel.

Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, not even our most stupid mistake is held against us. Not even our failures or lack of success can change how we’re seen in the Father’s eyes. The chorus of this song could likely be the chorus of our lives – Jesus came for the sick and for the weak. He came to set the captive free. He came for the poor.

We treat Jesus like he came for those who have it all together, but honestly who of us has it all together? The answer…none of us! So today just might be a do-over kind of day. Get up and get ready because in Christ you have a chance to Start Over!