I was recently at a great conference that had a tagline of “Start new to reach new.” The conference was called #wiki14 by a group known as the FiveTwo Network. It seems as if some people were having a hard time understanding why we need to start new things, after all if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it. Right?

Well, the challenge is, the system is, well, broke! We can’t continue down the same path expecting to make a significant impact when there’s only one way to access the path. I know what you’re thinking, this is all a bit abstract, so let me put some imagery together for you.

The conference was held in Houston, TX. And if you never been to Houston, I have to tell you their freeway system is crazy! I’m from rural Ohio and we don’t stack freeways six high around here, but Texas is all about big. Now think about that freeway system and the vast amount of traffic that must fill those roads daily. What would happen if all of that traffic could only enter through one entrance? It would be a nightmare! No one would be able to get onto the freeway. There would be a traffic jam that would last nearly until eternity.

Now let’s look at the way it’s always been done for the church. The 45intoI-10_2freeway is Christ, and there’s only one of him. John 14:6 says that He is the way, truth, and life. There aren’t multiple ways, nor am I suggesting there should be. What I’m talking about is the onramp to the Way. Since its inception, the institutional church has been the only onramp to Jesus. We’ve set ourselves up to be the only way to get to the Way! When you look at the freeway system and think of the thousands of cars that need to get onto it in a given day coming through a single onramp – that’s just ridiculous. No one in their right mind would say that’s a good idea.

What the FiveTwo Network is talking about is new onramps, not a new way. We’re not looking at creating a new way to heaven. We’re just allowing people a new avenue, onramp, to gain access to the way of Jesus. The goal is pretty simple, new people coming into a relationship with Jesus through new starts.

What new onramp can you provide in your community, neighborhood, workplace, or school to allow people easier access to the Way of Jesus?