We all do it. No one is exempt. But what good does it do? I mean really, what good does it do you to spend that much time worrying and fretting about things that are totally out of your control? 

Now to be totally honest and 100% transparent, worry is a huge problem for me! I can tell you not to worry but deep inside I’m likely in knots about something that I can’t control. I like to know that I’ve done everything I can to fix a problem or to make sure the best possible outcome is accomplished. When I can’t see the end of the path, I get a little anxious and wonder what else I can do.

This week I know some of you are fretting about stuff that in your heart is just huge! Maybe it’s a job issue or a health matter, maybe it’s something for school or the fact that your life is about to be flipped upside down and you don’t know what to do about it. Let me ask a few simple questions – how does it feel to worry? What typically happens when you’re all in knots worrying about a problem? What good comes from worrying? 

You see worry is our natural reaction to things that are outside of our control. Worry and anxiety when they are left unchecked will send us into a tailspin of despair and fear that often will seize us from getting anything accomplished.

But what if we truly believed that the God we serve is able to actually take care of this problem too? What if we really put our faith into practice and stopped freaking out about the problems we face or the work that needs done or the decisions that need made and realize that God, the same God that keeps the earth spinning at just the right speed and angle to keep us all alive, actually cares about your problems too! What if instead of fearing, fretting, and freaking out we would just trust in his power and presence in our lives?

The song Sparrows this week is a tremendous message of hope in desperate times. Pay attention to the words. Use them as a prayer for your heart. Hopefully they make your soul well. Hopefully they put your soul at rest and allow you to enjoy a moment of relief from the stresses this life offers.