I’ve been told by people that I don’t smile enough. Maybe it’s because I’m too focused? Maybe because I have too much going on? Maybe because I don’t even think about it? But the long and short of it is people look for your smile. And there’s always a reason to smile!

I know pressures of life get heavy. I know demands from those around you are getting more and more. I know that sometimes the weight of the world hangs on the edges of our mouths and pulls our smile into a frown. But there’s always a reason to choose joy! There are people in this world who are naturally joyful! I live with one. I work with one. I have friends who are this way. Me…not so much. So how do we change our down days to joy filled lives?

Change your perspective! Force the smile even when you have no reason! Just smile! It’s not fake it til you make it. This is shifting your perspective to see life in a better way. How angry can you be if you’re smiling? How sad can you be when you have a smile plastered on your face? It’s just not possible! So smile!

This isn’t about happiness. This is about joy! Happiness comes and goes but joy can change everything! If you know someone who brings joy wherever they go, then you need to remind them how important that smile is! If you have a joy-feeder in your life spend time with them! Surround yourself with Joy-Feeders and soon you just might see life from a whole new perspective! Soon you just might wear their smile on yoru face!

So smile! Choose joy! Now turn this up, click the play button, and be ready to tap your foot because this one will get you moving and put a smile on your face!