Another week begins and with that comes another Music Monday. As I dug through the top hits in Christian music this morning I found this song. I had never heard it before, so I decided to give it a listen. Imagine a life where we’re bound and tied. Shackled to every bad decision, poor choice and evil thought that ever came from us. That’s the image I have in my mind when I hear this song.

What thoughts run through your mind when you’re shackled by your past? What complaints fill your head when you can’t seem to get ahead in life? What negative emotions fill your brain when pains and struggles pile up like Mount Everest?

This song is one of those save me kind of songs. It’s a save me from myself. It’s a save me from my problems. It’s a save me from my enemies message.

As we journey through another week together, we stop to feel the shackles tight around our arms. The cold metal cuts into your skin. The chains clang around when we move. Walking isn’t impossible. It’s just uncomfortable. It’s hard and we don’t feel like putting in the extra effort.

The only way we’re going to get through this week is to call out to the one who takes the shackles away, who breaks the bonds on our wrists and feet, who is our deliverer. His name is Jesus. He came not just to die on a cross. Not just to give you a hope and a future. He came to free you from your bad choices, the shackles in your mind, right now.

Listen to the song. Then watch as you trust in Jesus and the shackles fall to the ground. You’ve been set free. Now it’s probably time we live like the free people we are.