Have you ever had one thing you just couldn’t get enough of? Maybe it was dinner at your favorite restaurant and you just wanted more. Maybe it was a day of vacation and you didn’t want to go back to work so you wanted more vacation. Maybe it was a person, maybe there is a person in your life that is so amazing you just always want to be around them. Jesus wants us to want Him. To desire Him. To crave Him so much that we cry out “I want more”.

This weeks Music Monday is called Set A Fire by Will Reagan and United Pursuit Band. They sing about how they cannot get enough of Jesus. I heard this song as I was driving home from bible study, and I loved it as it often reflects my prayers. So often I pray that God will give me a passion for Him like any other. I pray that I will want more of Him every day. It is easy to say this prayer, but it is also easy to go about my day forgetting how much I need Jesus and need to crave His presence. 

This song is very repetitive, but maybe the simple message sung over and over again is just what we need to hear. Hebrews 12:28-29 says: “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”” We worship a God who is so awesome that we should not be able to get enough of Him. God is a consuming fire, so we must keep asking God to set a fire down in our souls. One that only God can consume, but one that will be noticeable to those around us. 

Today pray that God will fill your life and make you crave Him. Pray that the fire in your soul cannot be tamed. Then sing out throughout the day and tell Him you want more of Him. The more oxygen is added to fires, the bigger they grow. Jesus’ word, worship, prayer, and the Bible are all ways to fuel our fires and make them grow even bigger. If we truly want more of Him, our fires will never be big enough, but we can always crave more.