The past four weeks have been spent emptying us of our selfish desires so that we might be more filled with the things of Jesus. If you’re not a Jesus follower, then I understand this sounds a little corny but give me a few minutes and maybe something here will make a little sense.

Most of our efforts in life are based on self gratification. We want to better ourselves. We want to look like the movie star. Lift like the body builder. Be skinny like the supermodel. Run like the track star. Sing like angels. We always seem to want more and better than we currently have. It’s the reason most New Year’s resolutions fail because they’re too self focused and have to small of a reason why.

This week we wrapped up the series and focused on the idea of worship and how the less we focus on ourselves the more room we leave for worship. If you’re old enough to remember the rotary dial telephones that were mounted to the wall, then you likely remember how there was a stop. No matter which number you dialed, when you let go of that part of the dial it would always go back to its original point and stop.

That’s the way it is with worship for the follower of Jesus. We have to have a reset point or a point where we can just fall back and stop. But the problem for many of us is that we don’t see worship as anything more than just an hour on a Sunday morning. Worship is far more than just a time blocked out on a weekend day. It’s far more than 60-75 minutes gathered in a building that’s otherwise empty. Worship is the way we approach life. Worship is the way see the things around us. Worship allows us to tackle the impossible with hope and the sad with joy.

When we have a proper fallback point in life, then we’ll more easily be able to gain our footing and tackle the next problem in life. Take a few minutes if you can and listen to this week’s message about finding that reset point and seeing all of life as an opportunity to worship.