A couple of realities are worth discussing this morning. First the devil is real. You may or may not believe it but it’s true. The devil in the bible has been described as the father of lies. The whole purpose of the devil is to lead you to believe something that just isn’t quite true. Parts of it may sound appealing but I can assure you that if it comes from the devil – it’s a lie.

Well, the natural reaction on our part when it comes to fighting off the devil is to just put up our fists, dig in our resolve and come out swinging. But unfortunately that won’t really get us anywhere. The harder we fight, the harder it seems he attacks and the more lies he tells. We tend to try to fight the devil by our selves but that’s not a real safe thing either. A good friend and I talked briefly about spiritual warfare recently. We didn’t get into any specifics but here’s something I know. If my friend is anything like me, this person is going to try to keep things inside. They’re going to try to fight it on their own. But, if you’re reading this, that won’t work. You, that’s the generic plural everyone kind of you, can’t beat the devil at this game. He makes up the rules as he goes along and never tells you the whole story, so as soon as you think you have him beat, WHAM! he gets you.

So what do you do when you’re attacked? There are three simple things to remember: Jesus already beat him, Jesus lives in you, and you’re not alone in this.

Jesus already won this thing, so you don’t need to try to win just thrive in the midst of it. Our job as followers of Jesus isn’t to beat the devil in the middle of trials but just to remind him that he’s already lost – so get lost!

Jesus now lives in you. Remember when the disciples were all moping around after Jesus died? Then he showed up in the room and breathed on them? Then they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they could do some pretty amazing stuff? Well, the same Spirit that allowed them to do what they did now resides in you through baptism. This same Jesus in you factor can provide real strength in trial.

You’re not alone in this. The number one thing the devil will try to do is convince you to try to fight him alone. Don’t do it! Eve tried it and look where that got us. Abraham tried it with not so good results. Peter tried it and it ended up kind of ugly for a little bit too. Find a good Christian friend to walk with you through the trial. Maybe a parent, classmate, youth director, fellow church member, or pastor and invite them in to walk with you through the struggle. We were never meant to fight alone. We just aren’t wired that way.

So, if you’re reading this and you are feeling attacked find someone in whom you can confide to walk alongside you. If you need someone, I’m here. And to the friend who feels this way, you know how/where to find me.

Now tell the devil to take a hike! Live today surrounded by the reminder of God’s blessings already present in your life.