The past several weeks at the church I serve, we’ve been focusing on an idea called forgiveness. It’s a pretty cool idea if I’m being honest. Forgiveness has two definitions and we’ve really spent some considerable time looking at both sides.

The first side of forgiveness deals with canceling a debt. When you have a debt forgiven it means that you no longer are responsible for the debt. The second side of forgiveness has to do with the emotional aspect of things. It means healing the hurts and getting rid of the anger and resentment that comes when we are offended by someone.

It’s funny how life sometimes just gives you a theme song for what you’re going through in a given season of life. Well this one is it. As I was driving on a recent trip to chat with another past a few hours away, a song popped on the radio that caused me to pay a little more attention. The song is called River of Life.

Now I’ll be honest, I had never heard the song nor have I heard of the artist to my knowledge. And the title of the song didn’t really speak to me at first. The tune was catchy but the words came out of nowhere and really spoke to the series we are in the middle of currently.

The idea is pretty simple. The River of Life isn’t one with banks and shores and water and sand. It’s the river of forgiveness that flows into our lives by Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. I hope you take a few minutes to listen to the song and realize that you too are washed in the river of life.