Have you ever missed something right in front of you because you were looking for the wrong thing? I mean you’re standing there, looking at the shelves in the grocery store, staring right at the item you’re supposed to buy and you can’t even see it because it’s not what you had imagined in your head it was going to look like. I’ve been there more than once, sadly to say.

This week we took time to be honest with ourselves about what we’re looking for when we come to Jesus and when we go to church. Are we looking for the things that Jesus promises to give us? Or are we looking for the things that will make us feel better? Because to be honest, these are not generally the same things.

In the bible there’s a time when the people came to Jesus looking for food. Instead of feeding them in some cool and miraculous way, he told them he was going to give them something better than food. They were astounded, and stammered in disbelief. What could be better than food they thought.

Jesus told them that he was going to be more to them than mere food. He was there to be their bread of life. It seems an odd statement but when you realize what Jesus was doing it makes sense. The short version here is that Jesus was showing them that when we come to him and his church looking for him we’ll find him and we’ll have many of our others needs met or at minimum refocused. When Jesus is our focus and growing in him is our number one priority, we’ll soon realize that the things we’ve been looking for all along have left us hungry for more of the wrong thing.

It’s like eating a snickers candy bar. You eat one and you’re not hungry for carrots or a steak. You eat that sugary goodness and you’re just hungry for more sugary goodness. But if you get your fill of something good and healthy for you, you won’t be craving the things that are not going to do you any good.

Jesus is the same way. When we long for him and find our fill in him, the other things of life: physical needs, financial needs, social and relational needs, belonging needs, questions about our purpose in life – all these things get refocused when we’re in it for the right reason.

Here’s a message I gave on this idea of looking for the wrong thing in the right place.