As we restart our #musicmonday selection back up again for a new school year, we start with a song that shows new beginnings. As some of you know, I serve as Pastor at Living Word Galena. Through the past few weeks we’ve been talking about a man named Jonah who ran from God, ended up being eaten by a fish and then spit out on land. You can check the messages out here, but just think about that for a second. Swallowed by a fish and then thrown up on land for a second chance! How cool is that! 

This week’s song selection is about new starts. It’s about being thrown up from the bad choices, broken relationships, hatred, loneliness and every other struggle we’ve ever made. It’s about God saying I still choose you!

When God had this fish throw Jonah up on dry land, he gave him the same command that caused him to run in the first place. Go tell these people about me. God does the same for  you and me. He tells us to live for him. He tells us to always remember that there’s nothing we can do to outrun, outlast, out-sin God’s forgiveness. Because of this new life, because of this resurrection thing into which we’ve been born we have a new outlook on life. We can see past the crap of life and cling to the light at the end of the tunnel. It means that when bad stuff happens (and it will) we don’t get sucked into the vortex of sadness and depression.

Resurrection power is all about coming alive again on the other side of pain and hurt. So whatever is causing you hurt, whatever is causing you pain, whatever makes you doubt or feel lonely or not enough – give it up. Lay it down. Bury it in Christ. Then take up his power. Take up his glory and his resurrection. They shine light in the darkest night. The cross is the beacon of hope we all long for but often don’t even know we need.

The cross is the difference. Will you rest today in the shadow of the cross and hear the grace-filled call of God to come and follow? Will you live with resurrection power?