comp4-535x266Have you lost your identity? Forget where you’re headed? Feel like you’re wandering around aimlessly? It’s easy to find ourselves running the treadmill of life and completely lose track of where we’re headed and quite frankly who we even are! 

The world tries to put labels on you. People identify you by your addictions. You name becomes the name of your pain. You are called alone, or broken, even worthless. And quite frankly, if you hear these names enough, you could easily start to believe them.

You start to believe there has to be something more! You start to think to yourself that someone has to care but you’re just now sure who. It’s in these moments that we need to be reminded who we truly are.

The bible tells us that we’re not defined by the things we do. We’re not defined by our successes or our failures. We’re not to be known by our pains or addictions. Just because someone abandoned us doesn’t mean we’re worthless! The bible reminds us that we have value. We have such value in God’s sight that he became like you and me. He went through the same pain and rejection you’re facing. He was offered the same drug of pride that you and I have been living on for years. But there’s a difference…

He never fell for it. Unlike you and me, he didn’t eat the drug of pride. He didn’t give in when rejected and tempted. But he didn’t do it to show us how to live a good life. He didn’t do it to be a simple example. He did it to show us who we truly are. The life of Jesus can’t be boiled down to some list of good deeds we are to do. The life of Jesus in the bible is a reminder of who I truly am.

When you look at the life of Christ, remember that he did this all for you! Remember that this is who you are now. You are loved. You are the one God calls beloved! You have tremendous value to the God who knows your pains, failures, addictions, and even your rejections. And it’s in these moments of darkness in your life that God offers you rest and shelter from the distractions.

You are not your actions. You are not your pains. You are not your decisions or your failures. You are one for whom Jesus died. You are the one for whom He rose. You are the one to whom He has extended grace. You are God’s beloved!