Well it’s only a matter of time before we all are consumed by the onslaught of the dreaded Coronavirus that’s sweeping the world. But the greatest danger of the virus isn’t the illness it brings, it’s not the feeling of sickness or the cough or even the potential for death. The greatest danger of this virus, from what I’m reading is that is forcing us to react instead of respond.

Let me begin by admitting that I’m no medical professional. I am not saying this illness is nothing or that we should ignore it by any means. But what I am saying is there’s a difference between reaction and response.

Reaction is rapid and happens without thought, but response is calculated and researched and takes time to enact.

The problem we’re facing in the country right now is that we’re reacting. And yes at times I would even say that we’re overreacting. Shutting down schools for weeks on end, preventing people from attending sporting events, eliminating travel and canceling gatherings because something might go wrong is not a response it’s a reaction.

Go to the local grocery store and see the shelves. No toilet paper? What! This illness has nothing to do with toilet paper! NO soap? Seriously? Are we not washing our hands on a regular basis? People wearing masks in public? Umm did you know that the airborne virus can actually enter not just though the nose and mouth but also through the eyes? So the ones wearing the mask should be the ones with the illness, yet they can’t wear them because the overreacters bought them all!

But the two greatest dangers we face aren’t even getting sick and that’s the scary part of this whole thing. The greatest dangers that we’re experiencing already are isolation and economic stress. Schools are closing for weeks in an effort to slow the spread of this illness. Events are canceled so as to not allow mass numbers of people to gather in one place. But to what end?

The same schools that are closing are still allowing students to stay on campus where they’ll eat in dining halls and live in dorms and workout in the gyms. What good is that?

The events that are being cancelled are costing the economy billions of dollars in lost revenue. Just here in Columbus alone the Arnold classic, an event that brings over $53 million in revenue was all but canceled. The Ohio High School Athletic Association is not allowing participants to attend games. This alone will cost our schools and their extra curricular programs tens of thousands of dollars. But it’s never ending! How long will this last? What events should be ended? What businesses should be closed? What’s safe and what’s not?

It’s a slippery slope that we, as a nation, have been dragged down and it’s not getting better until we gain a little common sense. So what do we do about it?

Get out of your house! Go to the grocery. Shop. Eat out. Spend time with friends. Hit the gym. Go to the local rec center and play a pick up game of basketball. Take your kids to a movie. Do live as much like normal as you possibly can – just be smart about it.

Wash your hands before you eat. Wash them after using the restroom. Who would have thought that in 2020 we’d have to remind people to wash their hands? This is ridiculous! If you’re sick, don’t go out or be around people. If you’re sick, then find a doctor or go to the hospital. Be safe and live your life!