maxresdefault-2It’s so easy to listen to the voices around you. It’s easy to hear what the world says to and about you. Over the past several months I’ve gotten to know a few people who for some reason believe the words the hear screamed at them from behind the mirror. This song is dedicated to them. This #musicmonday post is dedicated to those special people in my life who think they’re not enough, that they have to look prettier or act better – that they’ll never measure up. 

I guess the best place to start is with the mirror. Honestly mirrors can be wonderful tools to help us see if a hair is out of place or if we something stuck in our teeth. But all too often we give that square of glass far more credit than it deserves. As you look in the mirror, for some reason it appears that we hear voices as we look at the image reflected back at us. We see the image as if it’s compared to every other person we’ve ever met. We gaze into the reflective glass with our hearts and minds convinced that we need to be as skinny as the other girl in the class. We hear, through the silence, a voice that screams in our heads You’ll never match up to everyone else. We can’t get the words out of our mind that seem to be echoed by society telling us to look this way, weigh this much, cover that up, show a little more of that. But friend…those are all lies!

But it’s not just the mirror. It’s the people around us. They sometimes act like mirrors, who although they say nothing – we hear a volume of words spoken. We see their lives seemingly perfect and wonder why ours can’t look like that. We see that beautiful person, walking so confidently and think there has to be something wrong with me because I’m not like her. We compare our job to those others who have gone further in their occupation. We measure our parenting more on the mistakes of our children than on their many successes. We see the times we fight with our spouse far more often than the times our love is evident. But friend…these too are lies!

There’s another voice I’d like for you to strive to hear. It’s a voice that doesn’t yell. It’s a voice that never screams. This voice is constant and often it sounds like a gentle whisper. It’s a voice that tells you exactly who you are. It’s the voice that made you. It’s the words of the one in whom your real identity is found. This voice never compares to you anyone. This voice, when you clear the noise, will allow you to hear the loudest whisper you’ve ever heard. A whisper telling you – I see you dressed in white, every wrong made right. I see a rose in bloom, at the sight of you. Oh so priceless, irreplaceable, unmistakable, incomparable. Darling it’s beautiful. I see it all in you! 

Friend this is you! You are the one who is priceless. You are the one who is dressed in white. You are the one who stands in front of the mirror and needs to hear the words of a God who cares for you in ways that you’ll never fully grasp. It’s the voice of the one who created you, who formed you, who knows everything about you – it’s his voice that calls out in that quiet whisper telling you You are PRICELESS!