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It seems like the right thing to do right now to jump on the bandwagon of the #prayforukraine craze. Don’t get me wrong by any means, we do need to pray for Ukraine. The people of Ukraine are enduring horrible circumstances. I can’t even imagine what they’re going through right now. Having a son in the US Army, I have been watching this scenario unfold continuously and am heartbroken by what these families are going through.

But why stop with Ukraine?

Look around the world for a minute and you’ll see that Ukraine isn’t the only corner of the world that needs prayer. Sure they’re the hotspot for war and fear but there are locations all over the world that have people living in fear. There are people groups near and far who are worried about their lives, livelihoods, families, and homes. Why does it take a war or a natural disaster to move us to create a hashtag to pray for a specific people group? Why do we need devastation to hit us for the church to fall on her knees in prayer?

And why stop with just the tormented innocent? Why not pray for those doing the aggressive acts of violence? If we’re going to do the Jesus thing and pray, then why not pray the Jesus way? Jesus prayed for the hurting and those dispossed from their homes but he didn’t stop there. He prayed for those we call enemies and even for those who persecuted him.

Sure the people of Ukraine need prayers for peace and stability and safety to be certain! But the people of Russia need prayer that God would soften their hearts and call them back to him. The church needs to pray for the hurting to find help but also for those doing the hurting. We pray that they would see God. We pray that they would soften their hearts and come around to see the devastation they are causing.

Unfortunately, what we’re seeing isn’t anything new. And it won’t be the last time a world leader brings devastation on another country for personal gain. This is part of the fallen world in which we live. It doesn’t make it ok or lessen the hurt but it also should help us realize that these things should not surprise us.

Today I encourage you to pray. I encourage you to pray for the hurting and homeless in Ukraine. I encourage you to pray for healing and well being for those displaced during the bombing raids. But I also encourage you to pray for world leaders that they might submit to God’s will. I encourage you to pray for Russia to humbly cease and desist the bombing. With man these things are impossible but with God all things are possible. Pray with boldness. Pray with confidence. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. This is the Jesus way.