Remember the last time you tried to get that perfect picture? Maybe it was a beautiful landscape shot. Perhaps it was a picture of your kids who just never seem to stand still. Maybe it was a picture of you and your significant other. Who or what the subject is really doesn’t matter. The point is the picture is about to be ruined! Someone #photobombs the picture.

There’s little that’s more aggravating than taking time to get the setting just right only to have it messed up by someone who isn’t supposed to be there. A photobombed picture is pretty annoying. I’ve had several of these kinds of pics that I was hoping to use. I had a great group shot that I wanted to use for my church website and wouldn’t you know it – yep photobombed by someone I didn’t know doing something I don’t care to repeat.

But our iPhone pics aren’t the only things that get photobombed. Actually our lives get photobombed. But when our lives are photobombed it’s really not a bad thing. I was reading a book recently that talked about baptism and it got me thinking. I started to look at baptism a little differently. I started to look at baptism as a photo shoot. It’s like a snapshot of our lives, and in our baptisms that snapshot of our lives gets photobombed!

Think of it like this. On our own, the bible tells us that we’re pretty much up to no good. David says this in Psalm 14 that there is no one who even does good! No one! Can you believe it? That means that on our own we’re pretty much up to nothing good at all. This is where we find ourselves in baptism.

Whether as children or adults, when we come to the font and the water covers us and the words of God are spoken over us it happens! Jesus photobombs our lives! He puts his face right smack in the middle of our picture. He takes this image of grace and mercy and forgiveness and puts it right in front of our faces that are filled with sin, death and all sorts of selfish desires.

This is the kind of photobomb that we like! The kind of photobomb that makes the picture usable. I have to say that I’m super happy that my parents brought me to the waters of baptism as a child. I’m beyond grateful that Jesus photobombed my life that day. I know that some days I don’t even like what I see in the mirror. I can’t imagine what you all think when you see me.

Now my biggest prayer every day is that when others see me, they see the photobombed picture of me. So know today that your life was photobombed by Christ. He put his glorious and amazing image in front of you. He put his life in front of yours so that when you stand before God, all He sees is the Christ that photobombed you!