Ok so I’m just going to throw this out there. We’re pretty wishy washy at times. I mean come on. We throw in the towel when life gets rough. Someone disagrees with us and we think the world is over. Friendships are thrown away because someone has a different opinion than we do. It’s pretty annoying how pathetic we are sometimes. And by we, I do mean me too!

But there’s a story in the bible about a woman who was anything but wishy washy. She was anything but weak. She had conviction in her heart and knew full well where she needed to be and with whom she needed to spend time.

Her daughter was sick and no one else could help her. She tried everything she could to help her daughter but nothing was working. So in a last ditch effort she finds Jesus. He for sure will help. Right?

Not at first! Jesus ignores her. Keeps walking away. Tells her he didn’t come to help her. Then pretty much calls her a dog! What in the world is happening here?!

If you have about 25 mins, give the following a listen. It’s an explanation of this story then an application to our lives. I hope it proves helpful and meaningful to you.