living for eternity today

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Wonderful Counselor

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

This particular Name of the Messiah is couched in a prophetic passage from God through the prophet, Isaiah. And not only is He our Wonderful Counselor, but our Mighty God, our Everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace. He comforts and guides us with His Spirit. He demonstrates His might when He emerges from the tomb, victorious over death. He was, and is, and is to come; He leads His people with an Everlasting love as a father leads his children. His counsel, might, and care bring peace to our hearts…and not the peace people like to talk about during this season. The Peace that He brings is the kind that will remain and even grow in difficult times; it saturates the heart with the assurance of His love in spite of the darkness of the world and our own sinful nature. It changes and covers and blesses.

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.

Breathe, No Really Breathe!

It’s that time of year again; the month of December is a busy one for most people. For many people December is filled with the stresses of end of the year work assignments and projects, exams for students, meal planning and preparations, shopping and making sure everyone on your list has a Christmas gift, and of course looking forward to what next year has to bring. Our lives have become so busy and we’re constantly on the go. When do we make time for Jesus during this busy Christmas season. Afterall, it is all about Him. Continue reading


In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

The same Word spoken at Creation, the same Word spoken through prophets of old, this Word has come to dwell among us. He is God’s Word of love and mercy to a broken world. And not merely to the world, as we might send a text, email, or even letter, but the Word of love in our world. His name, whispered into our hearts broken by sin, brings grace and healing. When we speak His name aloud, we invite more grace into our day. Praise the Word of Life! Where can you speak of Him today?

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6

In John 14:6, Jesus responds to the question of a man named Thomas, but really we all have been in that place, asking the same question – “How can we know the way?” How often in life do you wonder which way to turn, which way to walk, or even where to ask the questions? Every time we ask, Jesus willingly answers our questions in His Word. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” He is the Way means He is the Answer to every question, every road we need to walk, and every fork in that road. Jesus, today we ask You to Show us the Way. Show us Yourself, dear Savior.

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.

Resurrection & Life

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.
John 11:25

Death stands in strong opposition to the Life that God created in the beginning. When sin came, death was not far behind as the consequence.  However, Jesus is stronger than Death. He swallows it up and brings Life – life as new as a tiny Baby and eternal as God Himself – to a world held captive to sin and death. And at the end of time, we will witness with the whole world, the resurrection of all the dead at His second coming. We praise Him who is our Resurrection and Life!

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.

When The Candle Fades

Christmas is one of those times of year when a few extra things tend to pile on our schedules. With the Christmas parties, school activities, additional worship times, and all of the other things added to our calendars – it’s easy to not know if we’re coming or going! Our lives are like candles and the more things that are added to our calendars the lower the candle burns and the less we have left to give. But what do you do when your candle all but burns out? How do you handle life when you are so overwhelmed that you don’t know which end is up anymore?  Continue reading


And all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:1-4

The people of Israel complained a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. You can read the backstory of today’s passage from 1st Corinthians in Exodus 17:1-7. The beautiful part, though, is that God answers even complaints. That is part of Jesus Christ’s title, “The Rock.” He doesn’t change, whether we’re full of praise or full of grouching. He is solid, faithful, always giving free, Living Water to thirsty souls in need of love, compassion, and grace.

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman and Sarah Baughman.

Above All Names – Peace

What does peace look like in your life? Do you find peace in the quiet and tranquil places? Or are you able to find peace in the middle of the storms of life? When illness strikes, death hits too close to home, your finances are in the tank and your relationships are crumbling are you able to find peace? Listen this week as Pastor Derrick shows us how to find peace in the storms of life. Where are your eyes focused?

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For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one
and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.
Ephesians 2:14

While this season of Advent and Christmas can seem to bring out the best in people, we know that what truly brings people together is the Peace sent from God. Not only has He paid the price for our sins, thereby allowing us to be reconciled to God, but He who is called Peace truly takes away the divisions among us. We are one body, and He is our Head. We are His people, together, and we worship Him…together!

You are our Peace; draw us ever nearer to You, and to one another, that we may live closer to harmony together in You, serving and worshipping You always. Amen.

Devotions by Heidi Goehman and Sarah Baughman

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