living for eternity today

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Olympics My Two Cents

Pretty sure just about everyone in the world has seen something about the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics. It’s been quite the hot bed of controversy. But why is it such a big deal? Should we even care? And if so, what is the best way to handle it? 

Before we dive into the deep end of the pool, we need to set the table appropriately. Yeah there was a bit of a pun intended, sorry…not sorry. 

The main image of the ceremony that has really received tons of air time is what many have seen as an open mockery of the Last Supper by DaVinci. Others have explained it away as a visual representation of a festival to a Greek god of wine and pleasure. 

No one, except the planning team, really knows the full intent of the imagery. So to say it is for sure one thing or another is a bit of a stretch. However, we can do some quick research to find out which is most likely. I’ll leave that one to you. 

We’re going to play a bit of a what if kind of game with this one and just assume it was intended to be an open mockery of the Last Supper. Again, I’m not making accusations just for argument sake going to one extreme here. If it was intended to mock a bedrock sacred piece of the Christian faith, then what does that mean and how are Christians to react? 

I’ve seen a few different reactions. There are the silent ones who are just letting the battle ensue without throwing gas on the fire. Admirable to an extent but not sure this is the best option. Sometimes silence speaks to agreement.  

Then there are the extremes of the people who call themselves Christians. On one side we hear things like Jesus would have invited these very people to come sit with him at the table so what’s the big deal. While on the other side, there is vitriol and chastisement running rampant. 

Let’s look a little more closely at the opposing extremes for a response from someone who calls themselves a follower of Jesus. We’ll start with the condemnatory side that’s slinging some pretty harsh rhetoric across the table. 

While I do believe it is the obligation of the follower of Jesus to defend the faith system which they claim, I do not believe name calling, vitriol or slinging damning words is the way of Jesus. If we’re going to call out a wrong in someone else, we very much better make sure we don’t use a wrong to call out a wrong! This is at best a distortion of the way of Jesus. 

Jesus didn’t run around condemning the unbelieving world. As a matter of fact the people he spent effort levying judgment against were the self proclaimed righteous believers who didn’t live out what they taught. That’s the whole Pharisee white washed tombs exchange my grandpa liked to reference. This side of the argument is spending a lot of time sitting on some man made throne exhorting a message that was about grace and mercy and using it as a tool to bludgeon others. 

We are to call wrong…wrong. No question there. And when a fellow believer errs we are to call that out. But are we really thinking that people who don’t believe in Jesus are going to live lifestyles that mirror his teachings? 

Then there’s the other side of the table where there sits a group of hopefully well meaning people who also call themselves followers of Jesus. Unfortunately this group is also very much distorting the words and actions of Jesus. Here’s an excerpt from a social media post by someone who claims to be a pastor. 

But what I can say is that every single person at that table would have been invited to Jesus’ table. Jesus not only spent His time on earth with sinners, He invited them to the very table everyone assumes the Olympic table represents. Matthew was a tax collector. Peter was about to deny Him. Thomas was about to doubt His resurrection. Judas was about to betray Him. Jesus ate with them anyway.  Jesus was with “sinners” all of the time. In fact, it’s one of the reasons the church people hated Him and wanted Him dead.

At face value this statement seems to have some pretty deep truth to it. It punches the judgmental church folk in the face and tells them we should be more forgiving and welcome people to the table. And to an extent that’s exactly what Jesus did. But this writer stops woefully short of the way of Jesus. 

If Jesus just invited tax collectors and sinners to the table for dinner and sent them home that would be one thing, but that’s not what he did. When Jesus saw Zacchaeus, the famous little tax collector known for anything but little fraud, he called him out of his lofty tree and went to his place for dinner. So far it sounds like Jesus shared table with people the believing world didn’t want to embrace. This is where it gets interesting though. Jesus didn’t just hang out with a steak dinner and some wine at Zach’s house! 

We don’t have the fullness of the conversation but what follows gives us a pretty good indication that Jesus didn’t come to Zach’s house for dinner and tell him to keep on cheating people out of their money and living a lifestyle that was totally contrary to everything Jesus taught. Zach left this dinner a changed man. When you encounter the way of Jesus you don’t get up from the table the same way. 

Or take a look at the woman who was caught in adultery. The crowd of self righteous people was there to throw stones at her for her lifestyle choice. But Jesus halts the stoning and looks at the woman not with condemnation in his eyes but also not with eyes condoning this kind of lifestyle. He didn’t look at her and say oh you’re so beautiful keep cheating on your husband and sleep with every man you meet. That’s ludicrous! He called her to change her life – go and sin no more was the phrase he used. 

Look…Jesus calls people to repentance. He calls the believing and the unbelieving world to the same act of repentance. None of us are better than the other. All of us need God’s grace. 

So please if you’re claiming to be a follower of Jesus, then let’s do some soul searching before mouth spewing. I’m pretty sure the way of Jesus wasn’t to yell at people and belittle them because they didn’t believe in him. But he also didn’t excuse lifestyles that were contrary to what he taught. He loved people where they were but genuinely loved them too much to leave them where they were. 

Would they have been welcomed to the table? There’s a very good chance yes. But if they had encountered the real way of Jesus, they would have left that table different people. 

Two Key Questions

There are two key questions that we all need to consider. We love to answer one but often fail to even consider the other. Now I could string this along and really agitate you but that wouldn’t be nice, so here are the two questions. Then we’ll talk about them.

Are we going to believe Jesus? And are we going to obey Jesus?

The first one seems to be the easy one. We don’t really have a problem with this question. We’ll read our bible and go to church. We’ll say we love him and value how much he loves us. We’ll teach the stories in the Bible to our children and read them to our grandchildren.

Believing in Jesus isn’t really a hard thing, especially for those who call themselves Christians. After all it’s kind of what being a Christian is about right?

I’m going to push back on that a little as we look at the second question. I don’t think believing Jesus is the crux of being a Christian. I think there are people who believe Jesus and yet don’t really get it. Believing is part of the equation but it’s not the point.

One of my favorite bible verses is from Matthew 28. It’s been called the Great Commission by church goers for centuries. It’s the passage where Jesus commissions the disciples and the church to make disciples. We split hairs over which words in the great commission are command style words, imperatives for all you grammar people. Is it supposed to be go and make disciples or while you are going make disciples? That’s a really good question but I don’t think that’s the point either.

One command in that verse is to make disciples. The rest of the verse is really about where and how we go about doing it. This is where we move to our second question – are we going to obey Jesus?

Believing Jesus is one thing, but obeying is a totally different ball game! Remember that great commission thing? Going into the world, make disciples of all nations…yeah read on just a few more words. Jesus goes on to say how we do this.

Not only is there this whole baptism thing, which we won’t spend time on here, but then there’s the next phrase. Teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. It’s right there – obey. It’s not teaching them to know all that I have commanded. He didn’t tell us to memorize large chunks of the Bible, although that isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s just not the point. The point is to teach them how to obey what the Bible says.

Obedience to the message of Jesus is what the life of the Christian should be all about. And our lack of obedience to the message of Jesus is often what gets the church in some hot water in the world. Another way to say this is that people rarely have a problem with Jesus. It’s Jesus’ people who are the problem.

I have plenty of friends on Facebook who are pretty open about their stance against Christians. What I think is so sad is the things they’re upset about are things Jesus would likely be upset about too. So often the way we live out our belief is a turn off for those who don’t really know the heart of Jesus.

The question about belief is important. For sure you need to believe the things of Jesus! But if you’re going to say you believe it, then you had better start acting like it has made a difference in your life.

You can’t half way the Christian life. It doesn’t work that way. Jesus says in the book of Revelation that either be hot for him or cold against but lukewarm (aka halfway) is vomit worthy. Yup Jesus is NOT ok with the lukewarm Christian because they aren’t really his followers!

One place where I see this belief but lack of obedience on full display is when we judge the world around us while we have our own baggage that needs addressing. Jesus talks about that too.

He says that we should take care of the boulder in our own eye before trying to nit pick at the speck in our brothers eye. Look there are problems in the world all around us. There’s no questions about that at all! But if we spend time working on the way we obey the message of the gospel and the teachings of Jesus, then we won’t need to worry as much about what words we have to say when talking about our faith. They’ll just see it right there in full frontal form.

So the two questions we all need to address – Do we believe in Jesus? And equally important are we going to obey the teachings of Jesus? This is a really great place for the follower of Jesus to start.

Discovering Your Passion

Let’s cut through the fluff and get to the point. If you want to discover your passion, you have to dive headfirst into the chaos of your own life. Stop waiting for some magical moment of clarity to slap you across the face. Passion isn’t going to stroll up and camp out on your front porch. No, passion is often more like a wild beast that you have to hunt down, wrestle to the ground, and claim as your own. Here are a few steps to track down your passion.

Get Real

First, quit lying to yourself. Stop pretending things are great if in reality you feel like life is sucking your soul dry. If you’re more excited about your coffee breaks than your actual work, it’s time to wake up. Be brutally honest. What makes your heart race? What lights a fire in your belly? Dig deep and face the uncomfortable truths about what you really want. This isn’t the time to be nice; it’s time to be raw and unfiltered.

Get Uncomfortable

Your comfort zone is your enemy. It’s a cozy prison that keeps you from exploring your true potential. Smash through those walls. Try new things, even if they scare the heck out of you. Take risks. Sign up for that salsa class, join a hiking club, or start that side hustle. The point is to push yourself into unknown territory. Growth doesn’t happen in the safe, predictable zones. It happens when you’re on the edge, teetering on the brink of something new and terrifying. You need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable if you’re going to live out your passion.

Embrace Failure

Get ready to fail. Seriously, failure is your best friend in this journey. Every failure is a lesson wrapped in grit and discomfort. If you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough. It’s been said that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the lightbulb. And WD-40 is actually the 40th try! Let that sink in. Success and passion are often found on the other side of failure. So, stumble, fall flat on your face, and get back up. Each failure is a stepping stone towards discovering what truly ignites your passion.

Listen To Your Inner Jiminy Cricket

You know the conscience in the Disney classic Pinocchio. Let your conscience be your guide. Well it’s time to cut through the noise of other people’s opinions. Everyone and their grandma will have an opinion on what you should do with your life. Sometimes you need to simply block them out. Tune into your inner voice, that gut feeling that tells you what excites you. It’s not always going to make sense to others, and that’s okay. This is your journey, not theirs. Trust your gut. You know more than you think.

Move Already!

Dreaming without action is just a waste of time. You can sit around fantasizing about your passion all day long, but if you don’t take steps toward it, you’re just blowing smoke. Start small if you have to. Read a book about something that interests you. Attend a workshop. Network with people who are already living your dream. Every little action builds momentum. Before you know it, you’re not just dreaming; you’re doing. Sitting around won’t move you toward your passions unless your passion is sitting on the couch? There’s no couch sitting games in the olympics so get up and get moving toward your goals! They won’t accomplish themselves.

Assess and Adjust

Regularly take a step back and reflect. What have you tried? What worked? What didn’t? Adjust your course accordingly. This isn’t a straight path; it’s a winding road with detours and roadblocks. Stay flexible and adapt. Passion evolves, and so should your approach. Keep refining your direction based on your experiences and insights. Regularly slowing down to see where you’ve been and what you’ve tried will help hone your approach for the next steps toward being who and what you are called to be.

Know Your Surroundings

Energy is contagious. Surround yourself with people who are passionate about their lives. Their enthusiasm will rub off on you. Seek out mentors, join communities, and engage with people who inspire you. Ditch the naysayers and energy vampires who drag you down. It’s been said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely.

This is why people struggling with addiction will surround themselves with others who are farther ahead on the journey than they are. This is why people who want to get fit generally start in a gym. Being around people with similar passions is super helpful! But being around people any passion that causes them to get excited is contagious! Be careful you just might become and excited person yourself.

Never Settle

Finally, never settle for mediocrity. In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins says that the greatest enemy of great is good. Don’t settle for good enough when great is within your grasp.

Life is too short to live someone else’s dream or to half— your way through it. Demand more from yourself. Strive for excellence in everything you do. Push yourself to go beyond where you were yesterday. This isn’t a competition with the world around you. It’s a competition with the complacency within you. When you settle, you betray your own potential. Keep pushing, keep striving, and never, ever give up.

Discovering your passion isn’t a one-time event. It’s a relentless pursuit. It’s a journey that requires guts, grit, and an unwavering commitment to living life on your own terms. So get out there and unleash the beast within you. The world is waiting and it needs your passion.

Musings On Life

This week I had the chance to sit shoulder to shoulder with some pretty amazing people from a variety of walks of life. Men and women from around the world who are doing the one thing they are most passionate about. And what made these few days super great was that we share the same passion!

You may not share the same passion as me and that’s perfectly fine. But I wanted to share some thoughts on living out your passion. A few things really jumped out at me this week as these men and women shared their stories. The one overarching thing that really hit me was that when we live out our passion we become passionate and it’s obvious!

Passions excite us. They get us up in the morning. They let us press through some pretty crappy days. They allow us to deal with some harsh comments from critics. When our passion is in the driver seat, there’s very little that will stop us.

I’m going to share my passion with you and then three things I learned from this gathering. Your passion is likely different and again that’s cool! But think about your passion and you can apply these same principles to your life as well.

Know Your Passion

If you don’t know your passion then that is where you have to start. What lights a fire inside you that just can’t be stopped? For me it’s church planting. I am a church planter in my heart. I think about it a lot. It excites me to see people get to understand matters of faith and grow in their relationship with Jesus. What’s your passion?

This week I had a bit of an epiphany. I realized that I kind of lost sight of my passion. I think I took my eyes off of it for a while and being around these men and women, literally from around the world, reignited that fire in my soul.

I want to see the world know Jesus. And I believe that to reach new people you often have to start new things…churches included. Coming out of this conference I regained some clarity on the power of passion. Do you know your passion?

The Stronger The Why The Weaker The Excuse

Know anyone who seems to have an excuse for everything? Yep super annoying! But there are times in our lives when we tend to make up excuses for things we aren’t super committed to pulling off. Not enough time. It’s too hard. I don’t have all the knowledge I need. I need more resources before starting. And the list goes on.

Here’s something I’ve learned. The stronger your reason why, the less power your excuses become. We’ll use a simple image that many have dealt with in life: living a healthier lifestyle. When I was in my 20s I wasn’t the most healthy individual. I tried the occasional diet but it never really stuck. I didn’t workout really at all even though I had a simple weight bench in my basement. I just didn’t have the motivation. I had a million excuses on why I just couldn’t workout today.

Then one day I had some blood work and found out that my cholesterol was more than twice what it should be. Sure my heredity was against me but so was my horrific eating habits. Yeah I was the two pop tarts for breakfast and a 2 liter of pop kind of guy in those days. Needless to say when the doctor told me how bad the cholesterol situation was, my why was elevated to a whole new level. I changed my eating, started walking and ended up dropping my cholesterol to a healthy level and losing 45lbs in the process.

When our why is strong enough, no excuse stands a chance! In my church planter heart, it’s not my desire to start a church that drives me but my understanding that Jesus is the only way. And I don’t want to see anyone not know how much Jesus loves them. No excuse holds water with that why.

Maturity Is Found In Replication

Ok so this one is a bit more specific to my church scenario, but there was a quote from this week that really hit me between the eyes. A church isn’t mature until it plants another church. That means there are a ton of immature churches out there! The one I pastor is among them.

Some might push back a little because they don’t have the same why or passion that I have. That’s ok. But here’s what I can tell you for certain! My why is big enough that even if you don’t agree, it won’t hurt my feelings and you’re not going to change my mind. It doesn’t mean you have to agree.

So there it is passion, know your why, and replication are three key musings going on in this old man’s noggin today. What are you passionate about? And do you know your why? If so let’s move!

Letting Go

Life isn’t a continuous accumulation of people, experiences, and things. Sometimes, the most powerful and transformative act you can perform is to let go. It’s time to embrace the unapologetic power of letting things go, and do it without hesitation or regret. Clinging to what no longer serves you isn’t strength; it’s the very anchor that’s holding you back from sailing toward your greatness.

First, let’s talk about relationships. Perhaps you’ve heard the cliché, “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Here’s a hard truth: not everyone who walks into your life is meant to stay. Friends, neighbors, even family members can outgrow their place in your journey. Holding onto toxic relationships because of time invested or fear of loneliness is pure madness. The longer you grip onto a relationship that’s draining you, the longer you delay your own happiness and growth. Letting go of someone who no longer respects, loves, or supports you is a bold declaration of self-worth. It’s not about cruelty; it’s about self-preservation.

Now don’t get all bent here. I’m not saying you should drop every relationship that no longer serves you! Some relationships are just not good. Running back into the arms of an abusive partner is a bad idea. Constantly feeling like you have to apologize for your actions around that friend because they don’t like your approach might be an indication that the term friend is slightly overstated.

Next, consider your dreams and goals. I know this might sting a bit. We’re often told to never give up, to relentlessly pursue our dreams. But here’s the kicker: some dreams aren’t meant to come true. Holding onto a goal that’s no longer aligned with who you are or what you want isn’t determination; it’s delusion. It’s okay to change course, to admit that what you once wanted isn’t what you want anymore. It’s not quitting; it’s redirecting your energy to something more fulfilling. Letting go of an outdated dream isn’t failure; it’s a strategic retreat that opens the door to new opportunities.

Packrats beware, you’re next. Possessions, those beloved trinkets of the past. Sentimentality can quickly turn into a suffocating trap. Do you really need to hold onto that box of notes from a high school relationship that ended a decade ago? Or that piece of clothing you’ll never be able to wear again but can’t seem to part with? Letting go applies to just about everything, except the scrap pieces of lumber in my garage that I might need to use one day.

Physical clutter creates mental clutter. Your environment should reflect the clarity and freedom you seek in your mind. Decluttering isn’t just a trendy lifestyle choice; it’s a radical act of self-liberation. Let go of the past’s physical anchors to make room for the future’s treasures.

Work and career paths aren’t immune from the let go approach. Many of us stick to jobs that we despise or career paths that stifle our passion because of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of financial instability, fear of judgment. But staying in a job that drains your soul is a slow death. It’s time to muster the courage to walk away from what doesn’t ignite your passion or align with your values. Trust that something better awaits. You owe it to yourself to pursue work that makes you feel alive, not just financially secure.

But wait there’s more! The most elusive yet critical thing to let go of: our past selves. We are constantly evolving, yet we often hold ourselves to outdated versions of who we once were. Let go of the mistakes, the failures, and the regrets. They are weights you don’t need to carry into your future. Each new day is a chance to redefine yourself. Shed the skin of your past and step into the version of you that you’re meant to be.

So whether it’s a friendship that has run its course, a job that just doesn’t feed your passion, even a piece of property that no longer achieves its purpose – it’s ok to let some things go. The test of maturity and strength is to know what to hold onto and what to let go. When you master this, you find some immense clarity and strength.

Letting go is not a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to your strength. It’s a bold assertion that you are worthy of more – more love, more happiness, more fulfillment. So, be ok with cutting the ties that bind you to mediocrity and step into the greatness that awaits. Remember, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to unapologetically, unequivocally, let go.

Live for Praise, Die by Criticism

In a world where likes, shares, and comments measure our worth, the phrase “if you live for praise, you’ll die by criticism” couldn’t be more relevant. The addiction to external validation is a modern epidemic, leading us to chase approval like junkies desperate for their next fix. Wanna know the kicker? The same pedestal that elevates you with praise will be the very same one that crumbles under the weight of the slightest criticism. It’s time to break free from this toxic cycle and reclaim our authenticity.

Look I get it praise feels good. It’s a dopamine rush that makes you feel seen, valued, and even important. Social media has capitalized on this by creating an environment where validation is just a click away. Post a photo, get a hundred likes, and suddenly you’re on top of the world. But what happens when those likes don’t come? What happens when the comments turn negative?

Living for praise is like building a house of cards when a tornado is coming. Every compliment adds another layer, making you feel taller and more secure. But the foundation is shaky at best. The moment criticism hits—and it will—the entire structure collapses. You’ve tied your self-worth to the opinions of others, and in doing so, you’ve given them the power to destroy you.

The Reality of Criticism

Criticism is inevitable. No matter how perfect you try to be, someone will always find a flaw. The internet is teeming with trolls, ready to tear you down at the slightest misstep. When you live for praise, criticism doesn’t just sting; it devastates. It makes you question your value, your abilities, and sometimes even your existence.

But here’s the brutal truth: if you allow criticism to define you, you’ll never break free from its grip. The more you try to please everyone, the more you lose yourself. You become a chameleon, changing colors to blend in, forgetting that your value lies in your uniqueness.

I’m speaking from experience on this one. Some people will be the first to compliment you when you do what they want you to do. But the second you challenge them, question them or do something that doesn’t benefit them directly – you’re in their crosshairs.

Be Real

So, how do you break free from this cycle? Embrace authenticity. Authenticity means being true to yourself, regardless of external validation. It means knowing your worth isn’t tied to the number of likes on a post or the praise from your boss or even people who call you friend. It’s about standing firm in your beliefs, your values, and your passions, even when others don’t agree.

When you live authentically, criticism loses its power. It no longer has the ability to shake your foundation because your foundation is built on self-awareness and self-acceptance. You will soon understand that criticism is often more about the critic than it is about you. People project their insecurities, their fears, and their failures onto others. Recognizing this allows you to separate constructive feedback from destructive attacks.

Authenticity is so hard to find these days. There was a whole social media platform built called Be Real. It failed miserably. Want to know why? The premise behind Be Real was that the app would notify you at random times in a day. When the notification went off you were supposed to take a picture of what you were doing in that moment so that you could just be real for your followers. No filters. No posed stances. Just you…real…raw…you! It didn’t work because people had a hard time just being real! So how do we overcome this epidemic?

Self-validation is the antidote to the praise-criticism cycle. It’s about acknowledging your worth and your achievements without needing external approval. It’s about being proud of who you are, not because others say you should be, but because you genuinely believe it.

Start by setting your own standards. Define what success looks like for you, independent of societal expectations. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and learn from your failures without beating yourself up. Surround yourself with people who uplift you and challenge you to grow, not those who only applaud your successes and disappear at the first sign of trouble.

Living for praise and dying by criticism is a choice—a choice to give others power over your happiness and self-worth. It’s time to take that power back. Embrace authenticity, practice self-validation, and build a life that’s true to you. Remember, the only approval you truly need is your own.

Side note: I’m a person of faith, so there’s another filter here that I lay over my self worth. My self worth isn’t totally dependent on my accomplishments. It is filtered through the person that God called me to be. If you’re not a person of faith, I don’t want to super impose my beliefs on you but would love to share how this premise has helped break the praise – criticism cycle in my own life.

In a world obsessed with validation, be the rebel who finds strength in authenticity. Praise may come and go, and criticism may sting, but your true self is invincible. So, stand tall, be unapologetically you, and live a life that’s not defined by the fickle opinions of others but by your unwavering belief in who you are and who you’re called to be.

Transparent Communication

No time for fluff: transparency in leadership is the unsung superhero of the leadership circle. No flashy cape, no cheesy theme song, but it packs a punch like no other. Transparent communication might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s often shrouded in mystery, kind of like Clark Kent’s glasses.

Cloak and Dagger Leadership

Traditionally, leadership was all about enigma. Leaders were expected to have all the answers, maintain an air of mystique, and operate behind closed doors. Think of it like a magician pulling rabbits out of hats—except those rabbits were usually emails, vision statements, and anything else the leader was expected to have on hand. But here’s the kicker: this cloak-and-dagger approach doesn’t cut it anymore. Employees, and people in general, today crave honesty, clarity, and direction. For this, transparent communication is your only answer

The Naked Truth

Imagine your organization is a ship sailing through turbulent waters. Would you prefer a captain who gives you real-time updates or one who leaves you guessing until you’re knee-deep in water? The choice is obvious. Transparent communication builds trust, fosters loyalty, and creates a cohesive environment where everyone is in the loop. It’s like giving everyone on your ship a compass instead of just the first mate.

Unfortunately there are plenty of scenarios in our modern world where we only get a piece of the truth at best. This leaves people guessing and often assuming the worst. We’re dealing with one of these situations in the larger church body where I serve as pastor. There are some decisions being made behind closed doors and the details coming out are sketchy at best! It’s a great way to get the rumor mill started but a terrible way to get the organization moving in unison toward a common goal.

The Hilarious (and Terrifying) Truth About Transparency

Transparency isn’t always easy. It can actually be as terrifying at times. But the results are worth it. Let’s break it down a bit:

  1. Admitting Mistakes: Leaders, brace yourselves. Transparent communication means admitting when you’ve screwed up. Yeah, it’s embarrassing. Yes, your face might turn as red as a tomato. But guess what? The people around you respect leaders who own their mistakes. It’s like watching a cat try to jump on a table and miss—humbling, endearing, and ultimately relatable. People are more willing to follow a leader who owns up to their shortcomings than one who hides them. Jesus kind of called that kind of leadership white washed tombs – aka dressed up dead people.
  2. Sharing the Good, Bad, and Ugly: Transparent communication isn’t about airing all the dirty laundry for the world to see. Don’t go around berating yourself. That’s not the point. The point is sharing the good, bad and ugly moments of the organization. When we do this people are part of the solution not just observers to the problem. And instead of judgment, the people you lead feel valued and included. They’re not just passengers on the ship; they’re part of the crew. When you share both victories and challenges, it’s like hosting an organization-wide reality show where everyone has a stake in the outcome.
  3. Consistency is Key: Transparent communication is not a one-off magic trick; it has to be a consistent practice. Leaders need to be open and honest consistently, not just when it’s convenient. Think of it like maintaining a diet—not just salad on Monday and pizza on Tuesday, but a steady, balanced approach. Hiding the truth when it makes you look less strong is not transparent leadership. So if you’re in one of those lead roles take a little advice from someone who hasn’t always done it right. Share the information that needs shared, even if you aren’t sure if you should share it. Transparency beats a tactical communication approach in most every leadership scenario.

Breaking Down the Walls

One of the biggest challenges in leadership is breaking down the hierarchical walls that often exist within organizations. Transparent communication is like the wrecking ball to those walls. When leaders are transparent, they encourage an environment of openness where ideas flow freely, innovation thrives, and the people in the org feel comfortable voicing their thoughts.

This is where the real magic happens: transparent communication doesn’t just stay at the top. It trickles down, creating a domino effect throughout the organization. When leaders communicate transparently, it sets a precedent. Before you know it, the entire organization is operating on a foundation of trust and openness. It’s like a game of telephone, but this time, the message doesn’t get garbled along the way.

The ROI of Transparency

Let’s talk numbers for a moment. The return on investment (ROI) of transparent communication is staggering. According to studies, organizations that prioritize transparency experience higher employee/member engagement, increased productivity, lower turnover rates, and often higher conversion rates. It’s the corporate equivalent of discovering a secret level in a video game that’s filled with bonus points and extra lives.

The power of transparent communication in leadership is undeniable. It’s the superhero that every organization needs but often overlooks. By embracing transparency, leaders can foster a culture of trust, boost morale, and drive their teams to achieve extraordinary results. So, next time you’re tempted to keep things under wraps, remember: even superheroes need to take off their masks sometimes. And who knows? You might just find that transparency is the key to unlocking your organization’s true potential.

So, put on your (metaphorical) cape of transparency, and lead with honesty and clarity. In the end, it’s not just about being a leader—it’s about being a leader worth following.

The Call to Radical Generosity

Generosity. It’s a word that gets tossed around like confetti, but how many of us actually live it out in a way that shakes the foundations of our comfortable lives? You probably want to hold onto something because we’re about to take a hard look at why generosity isn’t just a nice idea —it’s a radical, non-negotiable command straight from the mouth of Jesus.

Love in Action

First off, let’s get something straight: generosity isn’t about dropping a few coins in the offering plate and patting ourselves on the back. True generosity is rooted in love—the kind of love that Jesus demonstrated when He gave up everything for us. We’ve heard of John 3:16. The whole gospel in a nutshell passage. In it we read, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” Did you see it? God gave. Generosity is love in action, and for Christians, love is the core of our faith. If we’re not living generously, are we truly living out our faith?

The Gospel is Giving

The Gospel is all about giving. Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). He didn’t cling to His divine privileges but emptied Himself for our sake (Philippians 2:6-7). As Christians, we’re called to mirror this selfless generosity. It’s not optional either. It’s the very heartbeat of the Gospel.

When we live generously, we reflect Christ’s character to a world that desperately needs to see it. We become walking, talking billboards for the transformative power of the Gospel. It’s about time we started living up to that calling, don’t you think?

Counter Cultural Living

We live in a culture that screams, “More! More! More!” It’s all about accumulating wealth, power, and stuff. Consumerism anyone?

But Jesus flips the script. In Matthew 6:19-21, He tells us not to store up treasures on earth, but to store up treasures in heaven. Why? Because where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. Generosity is a powerful weapon against the relentless grip of materialism. It breaks the chains of greed and selfishness that bind us and then frees us to live with open hands and hearts.

Here’s where it gets really interesting. Radical generosity doesn’t just change the lives of those on the receiving end; it transforms the giver, too. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” When we give freely and joyfully, we experience a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose. We’re tapping into the very essence of what it means to be human—you know the whole created in the image of a generous God idea.

Let’s Get Practical

Enough with the theory. Let’s get down to brass tacks. Here are four practical steps to start living generously today:

  1. Evaluate Your Priorities: Where are you spending your time, energy, relational capacity and even material goods? If your priorities don’t reflect a generous spirit, it’s time for a change.
  2. Give Regularly and Spontaneously: Set aside a portion of your income to give regularly to your church or favorite charity. But don’t stop there—look for spontaneous opportunities to bless others. Buy a meal for a stranger, donate to a special project at your local church, or simply offer your time to someone in need.
  3. Live Simply: The less you’re attached to material possessions, the more freely you can give. Simplify your life and use the extra resources to make a difference.
  4. Engage Your Community: Get involved in your local community. Volunteer at shelters, join service projects, and be present where there is need. Your presence can be just as valuable as your material assets.

Step Up and Stand Out

Generosity isn’t a feel-good add-on to the Christian life; it’s part of the core of what it means to follow Jesus. It’s time to step up and stand out. Let’s stop blending in with a culture obsessed with getting and start living out the radical generosity that Jesus modeled for us. The world is watching. Let’s give them something worth seeing.

A Little Recognition Goes A Long Way

In our society, the word “recognition” has become a diluted term, often misappropriated for mere participation rather than genuine achievement. The true essence of recognizing accomplishments has been lost in a sea of mediocrity, where everyone gets a trophy and no one stands out. It’s high time we challenge this complacency and start acknowledging those who actually make a difference.

The Epidemic of Participation Trophies

Remember when recognition was earned, not handed out like cheap candy at a parade? Today, the lines between effort and accomplishment are blurred beyond recognition. Participation trophies are the epitome of this absurdity. By rewarding mere attendance, we undermine the value of true excellence and hard work. It’s not only insulting to those who genuinely excel, but it also creates a culture of entitlement where mediocrity is celebrated.

Why are we so afraid to celebrate the best? Are we so fragile that we fear the shadow cast by someone’s towering success? This epidemic of participation trophies is breeding a generation that cannot distinguish between showing up and showing out.

The Real MVPs

Let’s face it: not everyone deserves a medal. Real achievements are born from sweat, sacrifice, and relentless pursuit of excellence. These are the people who innovate, inspire, and lead. They push boundaries, challenge norms, and set new standards. Yet, these are the very individuals who often go unnoticed because we are too busy applauding those who simply “tried their best.”

Recognizing real accomplishments isn’t about putting others down; it’s about lifting up those who truly deserve it. It’s about setting a benchmark for success and motivating others to reach it. The world needs heroes, but not everyone can be one. It’s a title reserved for those who earn it.

The Consequences of Complacency

The danger of our current trajectory is clear: a society that rewards mediocrity ultimately stagnates. When we fail to recognize and celebrate real accomplishments, we discourage excellence. The message becomes clear: why strive for greatness when good enough is good enough? This complacency is a breeding ground for incompetence and apathy.

Consider the workplace. Employees who consistently outperform their peers often go unrecognized, their achievements overshadowed by a culture of uniformity. This not only demoralizes high performers but also sends a toxic message to the rest of the team. Excellence is no longer the goal; fitting in is.

A Call to Action

We must reclaim the true spirit of recognition. It’s time to discard the notion that everyone deserves a trophy and start celebrating real achievements. This means acknowledging the standout student, the innovative employee, the relentless athlete, and the visionary leader. It means understanding that recognition is not a right, but a privilege earned through hard work, dedication, and exceptional performance.

We need to be bold and unapologetic in our celebration of excellence. Let’s stop pandering to the lowest common denominator and start setting high standards. Let’s create a culture where real accomplishments are recognized and rewarded, and where everyone is inspired to reach their full potential.

Recognition should be about more than just making people feel good. It should be about honoring those who truly deserve it and inspiring others to strive for greatness. The world doesn’t need more participation trophies; it needs more champions. It’s time to rise above mediocrity and start celebrating real accomplishments. Let’s give credit where it’s due and let excellence shine.

The Ant’s Way

Do you want to be more productive? Let me guess—you’ve read every article, bought every planner, and tried every app, but you’re still not getting things done. What if I told you that the secret to productivity isn’t some shiny new tool, but a simple lesson from an ant? Yes, an ant. Stick with me here and it’ll all make sense.

The Power of One Grain

Imagine an ant. It’s tiny, almost insignificant on its own. But this little creature can build massive anthills, one grain of sand at a time. Each grain might seem as if it’s nothing, but when you consider the relentless effort, the continued collection, that something massive and intricate is created. This is the lesson: productivity is about consistent, even small actions compounded over time. Forget the big picture for a moment. Focus on the grains.

Why You’re Failing

Here’s the harsh truth: you’re not failing because you lack talent or resources. You’re failing because you’re not acting like an ant. You’re overwhelmed by the mountain of tasks in front of you, so you freeze. You think about the entire anthill instead of the next grain of sand. The result? Paralysis by analysis. If you can’t get it all done at once, you don’t do anything.

Embrace the Grind

It’s time to wake up! Productivity isn’t glamorous. It’s not Instagram-worthy planners or color-coded to-do lists. It’s about grinding, day in and day out, doing the small, monotonous tasks that inch you closer to your goals. An ant doesn’t question the process. It doesn’t complain. It simply works.

Want to write a book? Don’t focus on the 80,000 words needed before publishing. Focus on writing 500 words today. Want to get fit? Don’t think about the six-pack abs or the 30 lbs you have to lose. Think about doing your workout today. Want to start a business? Don’t obsess over the million-dollar idea. Focus on the one task you can complete right now.

The Compound Effect

Here’s the magic: those small, consistent actions add up. Just like the ant’s grains of sand eventually create an anthill, your daily actions can create massive results over time. But it won’t work if you don’t take the first step. This is the compound effect in action. Small actions, repeated consistently, lead to exponential growth.

Let’s break it down:

  1. Daily Writing: Write 500 words a day. In a year, that’s 182,500 words. That’s not just one book; that could be two or three.
  2. Daily Exercise: Spend 30 minutes working out each day. In a year, that’s 182.5 hours of exercise. That’s a lot of calories burned, muscles built, and health gained.
  3. Daily Learning: Read 10 pages of a book each day. In a year, that’s 3,650 pages. That’s like reading 12-15 books a year. Think about the knowledge you’ll gain.

Stop Waiting for Motivation

I’ve heard it before, I want to do the work but I’m just waiting for the right motivation. Here’s a reality check: motivation is overrated. It’s fleeting, unreliable, and a lousy foundation for productivity. Ants don’t wait for motivation. They don’t need a pep talk to get moving. They just do what needs to be done.

Stop coddling yourself with the excuse of needing to “feel like it.” Productivity is a habit, not a feeling. Create a routine and stick to it. Show up every day, no matter what. The ant doesn’t take a day off because it’s tired or uninspired. Neither should you.

Be Relentless

Life will throw obstacles your way. You’ll face setbacks, distractions, and failures. But if you adopt the ant’s relentless mindset, you’ll keep moving forward. When an ant’s path is blocked, it doesn’t give up. It finds another way. It’s time for you to do the same.

Lost your job? Use the time to learn new skills and network. Project failed? Analyze what went wrong and try again. Too busy? Reevaluate your priorities and make time for what matters. There’s always a way, but you have to be relentless.

Final Thoughts

So, are you ready to be productive? Are you ready to embrace the ant’s way? It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be glamorous. But it’s going to be worth it. Start today. Pick up your grain of sand. Do the small actions consistently. You can build your anthill, one grain at a time.

Remember, it’s not about the big moves. It’s about the tiny, relentless actions. Be the ant. Get to work. And watch as you transform your productivity and your life, one grain at a time.

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