living for eternity today

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Ready To Be Myself

If we’re being honest, we’ve all tried to change the way we look or act to fit in and be like a certain group. Sometimes it may feel like you have a dozen personalities to fit each group but none of them really feel like you. So often we become someone we are not meant to be just to be loved by the people of the world. Maybe no one sees through the face you put on. Occasionally a really good friend will be able to notice you aren’t yourself. However, God notices every time. Continue reading

Cradle to Cross – Water to Wine and so much more!

You’ve probably heard the story of Jesus turning water into wine. You’ve probably thought that it was about a wedding that ran out of wine. But what if there was a deeper meaning? What if there were hidden nuggets of gold buried inside this story? Listen this week as Pastor Derrick helps us mine through this account to discover the priceless treasures hidden beneath this story’s surface. 

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Through The Looking Glass

Have you ever been struck with the funny, almost scary feeling that life is just way out of focus? I mean like you’re just going through the motions or that you’re having a hard time finding where you are in this big thing we call life? In a few recent conversations with several people, it sounds like I’m not the only one who has struggled with this! Wow is that ever refreshing! Continue reading

Grace Wins

Grace. This is a word that has been used in churches for years. Only recently did I discover what it meant and how it affected lives. Grace is getting the good you don’t deserve. For example, because of our sinful nature we deserve death, but Jesus died and we can spend eternity in heaven with Him. We deserve death, but instead we get eternal life with Jesus, that’s grace. Continue reading

Cradle to Cross the path of Discipleship

Ever wonder what the path of discipleship looks like? Well, this week we meet up with the first men who were called to follow Jesus. We call them disciples. But what is a disciple? What are the qualifications for being a disciple? How much do we have to have in order before we can follow Jesus? Listen as Pastor Derrick shares insights on who can follow Jesus and what it means to follow Him. 

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You Are Precious

This week’s message stepped away from our series for a minute to hear a powerful truth about how God sees you. Did you know that God would, and did give up anything for you? Did you know that when he sees you, that he sees you as precious, honored and that he loves you? Listen as Pastor Derrick shares this powerful truth from God’s word. Check the bible reference at Isaiah 43:1-6. 

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When was the last time you sat still for a few minute? If we’re being honest, sitting still is difficult for many of us who we don’t do it often. Being still is especially difficult for those of us who like to be in control. Sure, it’s easy to say I give God control, but it is so much harder to actually let go and completely trust that God will take care of you.  Continue reading

Are We Asking The Wrong Question?

America is changing. It’s pretty obvious to see that. And what’s just as obvious is the landscape of Christianity is changing as well. We are seeing churches close their doors at rapid rates. Organized denominations are noticing downward trends, some faster than others. There are church leaders from various denominations and church traditions asking – how can we make our ministry last longer?  Continue reading

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