living for eternity today

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Ok, so if you know me at all, you’ll see the title of this post and immediately be curious if I have any idea what I’m talking about. And for those of you who don’t know me all that well – I don’t rest the way many people rest. In this post we’ll look at rest and try to determine if there is a right and wrong way to rest. Continue reading

Tragedy and OUR Response

Our culture is so violently charged with hatred and anger that it’s hard to stand. Everyone wants to blame someone but what if we are to blame? What if the answer to the world’s problems isn’t in another law or restriction but in the way we live our lives. Listen this week as Pastor Derrick gets personal about the church, the Christian faith and our responsibility these emotionally charged times. 

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Arise My Love

Have you ever listened to the same song over and over again without ever getting tired of it? I’m sure if you heard that same song on repeat for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week you would eventually want to listen to a new song. Just the other weekend I had the opportunity to go to the annual Christian concert, Winter Jam, with friends from church. I’ve been for six or seven years in a row and every year a band called Newsong sings the same song. Continue reading

Who’s To Blame?!

I’ve had it! I mean enough is enough already. I can’t turn on the television without seeing another image of death and devastation on the screen. This week has been a tough one. It started with the news of two local police officers responding to a 9-1-1 call only to be met with gun fire that eventually claimed their lives. Then news of an officer in Chicago losing his life in an act of violence. And now the shooting in a school in Florida. When’s it going to stop? And who’s to blame? Continue reading

How Do You Sabbath?

In a recent podcast I was listening to, the topic of Sabbath came up. It was actually an interesting talk and it made me think a little about my definition of this very churchy word. At the outset of the podcast I started to think that I was pretty terrible at this whole “sabbath” thing. And I’m still not convinced I have it nailed but I do feel a tad less horrible about it! Continue reading

A Supersized Dream

Dreaming is fun! Well unless you dream you’re being chased by a giant orange, but that’s not really relevant to this post. Part of living and visioning is dreaming. When we put together a hope for a better future, when we vision what we’re going to be/do in the days, weeks, months and years to come – it’s like we’re dreaming. But how big is your dream? Continue reading

Tragedy In Blue

Saturday started like every other day for two men in Westerville. They put on their uniforms. I’m not sure what their morning looked like but I’m sure they each kissed their wife and children. Then left for work.  After getting settled in their morning routine a call came through and without a second thought, they responded. It’s what they do. They didn’t second guess the call. They didn’t think twice for their own safety. They just went.  Continue reading

This Place

What do you think of when you hear the word church? Do you think of a building, or a comfortable home, or maybe when you hear church you think of an obligation every Sunday. However, church has a different meaning. For years I lived believing that church was a building where I worshipped God. But church isn’t about a building with four walls and a roof. Once I was told that church was anywhere where two or more are gathered to worship Jesus. I believed that definition for a while, but now I disagree. Continue reading

Fix It Felix!

A few years ago a movie was released titled Wreck It Ralph. The movie was set inside of a video game with two main characters. The first was Ralph. He was the larger than normal villain in the game. His job was to destroy everything he saw. Ralph would tear apart buildings and destroy things down to rubble. Then the good guy Fix It Felix would come along and try to put everything back together. Continue reading

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