living for eternity today

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Soul On Fire

We go through life with such laziness sometimes. This week we meet two men who followed Jesus for much of his ministry. Even when they meet Jesus face to face, they were so distraught by the pressures of the world that they couldn’t see him. As they walked with Jesus, he taught them about the Old Testament. He showed them how each of the Old Testament promises found their way to his birth, life, death and resurrection. Listen as Pastor Derrick shares this message about hearts on fire. 

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Overtime For Parents

I’m not one to enjoy a quiet moment. This happens for two big reasons. The first is that as a parent of three, there aren’t a lot of quiet moments to be had! Second is I tend to fill quiet moments with learning opportunities. That’s a whole post in and of itself, but today I want to share with you something I recently heard that will guide the next few Friday posts. Continue reading

What Drives You?

Imagine you’re at a fork in the road. You can follow the path on the right that seems less traveled. It appears that few have gone down this road. For the most part the path is clearly marked. The path is barely worn but recognizable. The terrain is pretty hilly and has a bunch of rocks. The problem however is the path leads through a wooded area that might not be all that safe. It looks dark. No lights anywhere. The branches are broken in the trees and there appear to be wild animals in the woods. The other path however is smooth and clear. It’s actually paved nicely. The pavement has obviously been traveled a lot. There’s no overgrowth around the edges. It is very clean. And even better the entire path is well lit. Which would you choose?  Continue reading

The Voice

The title of this might be a bit misleading so let me dispel any misunderstandings right away. This is not a post about the reality television show. It’s not about music or vocalists trying to make it big by impressing some panel of judges. Nothing wrong with the show necessarily just not the point of this post. So if it’s not about the show then what, you may be asking. It’s about the voice that speaks the loudest to you. Do you know what voice you listen to the most? Continue reading

Do you know his voice?

There’s something comforting about a familiar voice. You know when you’re having a rough day and you get that call from someone you know cares for you. It’s that voice that makes things just seem a little better. Well, Mary was in a rough way and needed the comfort of a familiar and loving voice. She was in such a bad place emotionally however that she couldn’t hear this voice even when it was spoken. This week Pastor Derrick helps us wrestle with the idea of voices vying for our attention. Give this week’s message a listen and then head over to read this article, Whisper,  that might help you find the voice in the chaos of life. 

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To The Dreamers

I’ve been blessed with some pretty good eyesight. As a matter of fact my eye doctor has instructed me that I don’t even need to come every year. But not everyone has the same eye condition. As a matter of fact, I’m the only one in my house that doesn’t need glasses for one reason or another. As we think about eyes, I’m reminded of a condition known as nearsightedness. It’s a condition in which the up close things are clear while things that are far in the distance are blurry. I believe this is telling of our lives on a regular basis, not just our eyesight.  Continue reading


It was about six o’clock and in our house that means it’s just about supper time. The food was ready. The table had been set. Drinks were in cups and the only thing left was to call the children to come and get it. But not so fast! Have you ever had one of those moments when you just thought a little peace and quiet wouldn’t hurt anything? Well this was one of those nights. We considered ear plugs and eating by ourselves but that wouldn’t really be great parenting. Continue reading

Losing Control

Confession time: I’m a control freak. And not just a minor version of this either. I’m a Type-A control freak. Being a control freak doesn’t mean that I’m always in control or that it even has to be all my way. It just means that I have a tendency to look at the outcomes of a situation before they happen. I work diligently to anticipate problems and create solutions before they become problems.  Continue reading

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