living for eternity today

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Stories Over Time

Stories are found in every part of our lives. We start children off with stories. We tell them stories of fairytales and of heroes. We build stories around princes and princesses. We tell stories to get our points across. Even the bible is filled with stories. We tell true stories and we make up stories. Stories are all around us. Every page of our lives is another part of a longer story. What’s the value of all of these stories?  Continue reading

Behind The Curtain

One of the staples growing up was to watch the movie The Wizard of Oz. As you may know, the movie is the story of a girl who’s transported by a tornado to a far away fantasy land that’s in Dorothy’s words not Kansas anymore. As the story unfolds, we journey with Dorothy along the clearly marked, yellow brick road to find the city of Oz. It’s home to a great and powerful wizard. Along the way, Dorothy picks up a few friends who each have their struggles, but Dorothy convinces them that help can be found in the great Wizard of Oz. Continue reading

Reckless Love

Our culture tells us that being reckless is a back thing. When you’re reckless, you generally are not cautious. You throw caution to the wind and just go out and things without thinking about the ramifications of your actions. You cross the street without looking. You spend without checking your account balance. You schedule a meeting without looking at your calendar. You drive whatever speed you choose without caring about the speed limit. These are reckless behaviors that could end with some not so good results! Continue reading

Jesus, Peter, Love and Like

Have you ever had one of those communication breakdown moments? The type where you say one thing and the other person hears something totally different? This week Pastor Derrick shares a little insight into one of the biggest moments of talking past one another ever recorded! 

  1. Jesus calls Peter by his original name – Simon son of John. 
  2. Jesus’ question and Peter’s answer 
    1. Agape – love me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
    2. Phileo – love like a brother or friend. 
  3. Jesus changes words. 
  4. NO matter what our response, Jesus still calls us to follow, feed and be faithful. 

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Words Over Time

A couple of weeks ago we started a series titled Overtime. The purpose of the series was to talk about the time we spend as parents with our children. It’s been said that a parent has about 940 weeks with their children before they graduate from high school and move off to college. So the issue we face is how do we intentionally use the time we have to have the longest lasting impact possible on our children?  Continue reading

Love Me Anyway

Undeserving. It’s a simple word that pretty much sums up a large portion of my life. There are so many pats of my life that are simply more than I deserve. If I’m being honest what I deserve isn’t really worth talking about but what I have is worth bragging about to everyone. I mean think about life for a minute. How many people have we let down and failed? Yet for some reason they still care about us. Continue reading

Cradle to Cross to Crown – I Am

There are two words hidden in this next appearance of Jesus. He’s appeared to the men on the road to Emmaus and to Mary at the entrance to the tomb. In today’s bible lesson from Luke 24, Jesus appears to the disciples while they are locked in their home. But what message would Jesus bring to his closest followers? 

Listen as Pastor Derrick shares the two words that Jesus spoke that just changed everything for them. Pastor Derrick uses the vowels in the English language to help us remember how powerful Jesus really was and what his physical appearance meant to the disciples and us. 

A – Always – there never is a time when Jesus is not. He is a God who was, is and always will be. 

E – Existence – it’s hard to argue with Jesus when he’s standing in front of them telling them ‘I AM’ and showing them his hands a feet. 

I – Identity – When Jesus spoke the words ‘I AM’ he was linking his message to the teachings of the Old Testament. He was reminding them of God’s words to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3 when he said, “I am who I am.” 

O – Objective – when Jesus showed them his hands and feet and when he ate a meal with them he was providing them an objective reality that he is alive. It’s not something they could argue with. 

U – Unchanging – Jesus proves to His disciples that he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And that not even death can change his love for his followers. 

Y – YOU – the reality is all of this comes to a head in his love for YOU. Jesus is for you and he is with you in all you do. 

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Love Over Time

Last week we kicked off this series titled Overtime. We have to acknowledge that time is fleeting. Just look at pictures of your children from last year and you’ll quickly realize that the little buggers don’t stay little! It seems just yesterday my now teenage sons were barely able to crawl across the floor, but that was 15 years ago! Time flies and as parents we need to be very intentional about how we use our time with our children.  Continue reading

Light It Up!

One of my favorite bible verses comes from one of the most intimidating books of the bible, Revelation. In this book, John writes his view of the end of the world from heaven’s perspective. It’s a wonderful book filled with rich imagery, meaningful promises and some fairly terrifying examples. Nestled in this book are seven letters written to seven churches throughout the region of Asia minor. But these letters aren’t just for these churches. I have a hunch there’s something for you and me today. Continue reading

Help Me Find It

Ever have one of those throw in the towel kind of days? One of those days when you are just done with it all? Every once in a while the weight of the world seems just a little too heavy and all you want to do is crawl back in bed and just sleep it all away. Or perhaps you’re not the sleep it all away kind of person, but you’re just tired of fighting. Either way this week’s Music Monday is a song you really need to sit down for and listen to closely. There’s even a link to the lyrics at the bottom of this post so you can take them all in.  Continue reading

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