There are two words hidden in this next appearance of Jesus. He’s appeared to the men on the road to Emmaus and to Mary at the entrance to the tomb. In today’s bible lesson from Luke 24, Jesus appears to the disciples while they are locked in their home. But what message would Jesus bring to his closest followers?
Listen as Pastor Derrick shares the two words that Jesus spoke that just changed everything for them. Pastor Derrick uses the vowels in the English language to help us remember how powerful Jesus really was and what his physical appearance meant to the disciples and us.
A – Always – there never is a time when Jesus is not. He is a God who was, is and always will be.
E – Existence – it’s hard to argue with Jesus when he’s standing in front of them telling them ‘I AM’ and showing them his hands a feet.
I – Identity – When Jesus spoke the words ‘I AM’ he was linking his message to the teachings of the Old Testament. He was reminding them of God’s words to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3 when he said, “I am who I am.”
O – Objective – when Jesus showed them his hands and feet and when he ate a meal with them he was providing them an objective reality that he is alive. It’s not something they could argue with.
U – Unchanging – Jesus proves to His disciples that he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And that not even death can change his love for his followers.
Y – YOU – the reality is all of this comes to a head in his love for YOU. Jesus is for you and he is with you in all you do.
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