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Jesus in Jonah pt 2

When we run far enough from God there’s only one way back. For Jonah it came in the belly of a fish. But for us it happens through something we call repentance. This week Pastor Derrick shares the importance of repentance and what it means. We’ll also discuss what happened to Jonah in the belly of that fish and why God did what he did with Jonah. 

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Jonah pt 1 – Which way do you run?

This week’s message covers chapter one of Jonah in our series Finding Jesus in Jonah. We look at how Jonah ran away from God’s plan but Jesus ran toward God’s plan. Jesus ran in that we might run up to the Father. Before listening it might be helpful to read Jonah 1 to get the story fresh in your head. 

We had some minor audio issues that caused about 45 seconds of this week’s message to be lost. Pastor Derrick asked what would you do if God asked you to go tell some evil people they did wrong? Jonah ran away. Would you run to correct them or go in the opposite direction? 

Listen this week and see if you can find Jesus in Jonah!

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Every once in a while it’s healthy to sit down and reflect on where you’ve been. As we wrap up a summer of ministry, I’ve taken a little bit of time to just pause for a second or two to consider what the past 12 months have brought. There have been many ups and a few downs along the way, but in all of it God has truly shown up! Below are my reflections, three significant failures on my part and the lessons learned.  Continue reading

Wave Walker

This summer has been dedicated to stories of water in the bible for our children in summer Sunday School and Children’s Worship. We’ve been looking at stories of everything from Noah and the ark to Moses parting the Red Sea. Soon we’ll be looking at Peter walking on water, undoubtedly one of my favorite stories that involves Peter and Jesus!  Continue reading

Song of Songs Pt. 4

When we know the story of the Bible, we’ll get a better understanding of how great God’s love for us truly is. Even when we didn’t want to be loved, he pursued us and loved us in-spite of ourselves. When we push him away and live lazy faith lives, Jesus knocks and calls us to let him in. He desires us to live passionately pursuing him. It’s time to let the love of Christ transform the way we think, speak and act. Listen as Pastor Derrick shares the importance of this portion of Solomon’s love song and what it means for us today. 

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Define Me

Growing up I was taught that the Devil was a scary creature with horns on his head, a pitch fork in his hand and a long spiky tail. I was taught that he looked like a monster that was out to scare us. I knew that if I saw him, I could just run away and hide because honestly who wears a red suit and always yells and screams at everyone?  Continue reading

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