When we run far enough from God there’s only one way back. For Jonah it came in the belly of a fish. But for us it happens through something we call repentance. This week Pastor Derrick shares the importance of repentance and what it means. We’ll also discuss what happened to Jonah in the belly of that fish and why God did what he did with Jonah.
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This summer has been dedicated to stories of water in the bible for our children in summer Sunday School and Children’s Worship. We’ve been looking at stories of everything from Noah and the ark to Moses parting the Red Sea. Soon we’ll be looking at Peter walking on water, undoubtedly one of my favorite stories that involves Peter and Jesus! Continue reading

Growing up I was taught that the Devil was a scary creature with horns on his head, a pitch fork in his hand and a long spiky tail. I was taught that he looked like a monster that was out to scare us. I knew that if I saw him, I could just run away and hide because honestly who wears a red suit and always yells and screams at everyone? Continue reading