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Be Rich: Margin

This Sunday we start a new series at Living Word Galena titled Be Rich. This series is all about looking at our lives with a different set of lenses. This series isn’t only about finances, although admittedly there is a financial aspect to our being rich. We’re also looking at time and energy and reflection. How do you spend your life? That’s the real question we’re addressing over the next several weeks.  Continue reading

The Nike Debacle

The news was quick to spread. Nike made the decision on the new face of their #justdoit campaign. A phrase that’s defined an athletic apparel company for decades was placed on the shoulders of a widely controversial football player. The company went so far as to say that their new face of Just Do It embodied what the phrase meant. But it’s not really that easy. Did Nike know what they were doing? Did they underestimate the impact this would have?

Undoubtedly the fallout will be fairly noticeable. Leaving the gym yesterday I heard more than one person say they were changing athletic apparel companies. It hit some people pretty hard. They were astounded that this company that’s been part of their lives for years would select such a controversial face for their marketing. Stock prices even  dropped over 3% in short order on Tuesday. Pictures of men and women cutting the famous swoosh off of their clothing are floating around the internet. But what’s the real issue? Why are people so upset?

Some say it’s a racial thing. Others say it’s a marketing gimmick. But in my assessment it goes deeper than merely racial or even a simple marketing ploy. It’s about color to be certain, but not the color you’re thinking. The issue is about red, white and blue. The issue is the flag and what it means. The issue is about the reason we have the right to stand or kneel in the first place. It’s about real heroes and real men and women who know and feel sacrifice like many of us will just never understand. I don’t care what the ethnic background of the spokesperson is. I don’t their gender or skin color. But their heart, passion, drive and patriotism – now that’s another story!

I grew up in a generation that unquestionably stood for the national anthem. Men removed their hats. Everyone put their hand on their heart. We didn’t give a rip who sat in the oval office. We didn’t think about crime rates and injustice when we said the pledge or sang the national anthem. We did it because countless thousands marched into death’s door without our ever noticing. We stood and sang those words because they stood for something and still do. Those words spoke of victory in the midst of defeat. They hailed heroes among the fallen. The words evoked hope when it seemed all hope was lost. Those words are constant reminders of a world that will never be the same. Words that evoke emotion when paired with the blood of soldiers. Words that break our hearts when we see the tears of children who will never again see their moms or dads. Words that show why this country exists and for what it stands.

Undoubtedly Nike knew what they were doing. Maybe it was a marketing ploy that in the short-term will bite them in the butt. Maybe they’ll come out stronger because of it. But the flag isn’t about Nike. It’s not about a football player who’s out to make a name for himself. The flag isn’t about crime, racial tensions, violence, or political party. It’s about freedom that most certainly wasn’t free. It’s about a price that was paid to let you wear that Nike swoosh. It’s about lives laid down in the name of your freedom.

Today take a look at that flag. Look at those colors. As Americans, the colors on the flag are the colors that matter. These colors aren’t based on the color of our skin. The colors reflect the story of our great nation. Look at the red, white and blue. Reflect on the sacrifices that got us to where we are today. Never forget. Always remember Old Glory means something.

God’s Formula For Success

In this week’s message we dive into Deuteronomy 4:1-10 and discover an astounding truth about success! God revealed to Moses his formula for a successful life. How do you define success? How do you achieve that success? 

This week Pastor Derrick takes us on a journey of self-discovery to check out hearts when it comes to success and re-align priorities so that our definition of success matches the life we’re supposed to be living. 

*We had a minor technical difficulty a few minutes into the message so you’ll notice a fairly abrupt change in sentences. We only lost a couple of sentences and did our best to blend these together as seamlessly as possible. Thanks for your understanding. 

Check out the latest message!

Good Fight

Fight or flight? Which is your go to? I know some people who run for the hills when trouble hits. They bury their head in the sand or flee and retreat to a corner and just break. Then there are the other kinds of people who come out with guns blazing ready to take out anyone who comes in the way of their ideas. Which are you? And is there a better option?  Continue reading

Formula For Success

Who doesn’t want to be successful? Some of you will put on your humble pants and step onto your soapbox, start wagging your finger and pointing out how this idea of successful living isn’t appropriate for a follower of Christ.  Put the finger away. Calm down. Listen up. I know this sounds a little self-serving and even completely contrary to what you would normally expect to read from a pastor, but hear me out. This week at Living Word Galena we’re talking how to be successful.  Continue reading

Dream Small

Big! Grand! Huge! Enormous! Impact! Passion! Power! These are words that we try to claim. We want to make a big impact int the world. We like to have credit given for our accomplishments. We try to make the biggest splash in the pool, build the biggest tower, amass the most money, drive the best car, live in the most beautiful house and have the greenest yard. But what if the big things weren’t the point? What if the small things, the everyday, simple and even mundane things could actually have the biggest impact in the long run?  Continue reading

Jonah & God’s Relentless Love

Jonah ran from God, repented in the belly of a fish and was restored by God. But why? It’s all about his relentless love. What does it mean for God’s love to be relentless? In this week’s message listen as Pastor Derrick shares the why behind the mission statement of Living Word and what it means to be a part of the greatest love story this world has ever seen. 

Check out the latest message!

Call It Grace

There’s something about being a follower of Jesus that just doesn’t make sense to many people. Maybe you’re one of them. I get it. If I’m looking at it with my simple eyes, it just doesn’t make sense. I mean really. The foundation of the Christian faith is Jesus and his death and resurrection. Think about it for just half a second. Who does that? Who could believe that a man would willingly die that kind of death for people he’d never even met?! It’s craziness! And that says nothing about raising from the dead!?! Continue reading

Resurrection Power

As we restart our #musicmonday selection back up again for a new school year, we start with a song that shows new beginnings. As some of you know, I serve as Pastor at Living Word Galena. Through the past few weeks we’ve been talking about a man named Jonah who ran from God, ended up being eaten by a fish and then spit out on land. You can check the messages out here, but just think about that for a second. Swallowed by a fish and then thrown up on land for a second chance! How cool is that!  Continue reading

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