living for eternity today

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Pray for _______

In our prayers we tend to pray or the sick or the lonely, which in and of itself isn’t a problem. We pray for healing or for provision, which really aren’t problems either. But none of these prayers are really the prayers that God says are the BIG prayers he wants for us. This week listen in as Pastor Derrick shares a letter Paul writes to a friend about how spiritual growth best happens. 

Check out Philemon 4-6 for more details. 

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Pray – problems with prayer

So how do you pray? When do you pray? For what do you pray? Contrary to popular belief there’s no real right way to pray. But if there’s right form for prayer and right posture for prayer, then what could be the problem we face with prayer? What is wrong with prayer? Listen this week as Pastor Derrick shares the truth about prayer along with a personal story of confession with regards to his own prayer life. 

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Counting Every Blessing

What’s your focus these days? Are you the half empty glass kind of person? Or perhaps you’re the eternal optimist? I tend to be a bit of a realist, and admittedly slide into pessimism from time to time. But there are some who always seem to see the sunshine even in the midst of a cloudy and rainy day. And if I’m being totally honest, sometimes that simply drives me nuts! I’m not sure I know how to find the sunrise in the dark of night. I’m not always able to see the rainbow that hasn’t quite shown up because the storm’s too rough.  Continue reading


There are so many things in life that we want to change. We change our hair color. We change the paint in our living rooms. We change our cars when we get tired of driving the one we have. We change churches when the pastor says something that challenges us. We change our clothes. We change our jobs. We change friend circles as our life stages change. But sometimes we want bigger changes.  Continue reading

Remember 9.11.01

For those of us who lived that terrifying day the details will forever be burned in our brains. We’ll remember where we were and who was with us. We’ll remember the eerie silence in the air when all planes were grounded across the country. We’ll remember the horrifying images and the gut wrenching and raw emotion of the news casters as they brought us the details as they unfolded. We’ll never forget, or will we?  Continue reading

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