living for eternity today

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A Perfect Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving what will just make your day? Is it the best turkey in town? How about a table with no disagreements at dinner time? As you finish your Thanksgiving Day celebrations today remember the three step to having a perfect Thanksgiving as found in Psalm 131. Listen as Pastor Derrick shares this powerful message on what Charles Spurgeon calls “The shortest psalm to read but the longest to learn.” 

Check out the latest message!

Is Church Really Necessary?

This week in our what we believe series we’re taking a look at All you have to do is walk into a church just about anywhere across America and you’ll see it. What used to be row upon row of chairs or pews filled with families worshipping together has become more of a barren wilderness of empty seats. The trends are startling! Fewer and fewer people are seeing the importance and necessity of attending a weekly worship service. An individual’s average attendance has shifted from weekly to maybe once every five to six weeks. But why? What’s the reason for this trend? Continue reading

Nobody Loves Me Like You

Have you ever considered all of the things that you have in life? Ever thought of the blessings that surround you everyday? How many of them pass you by on a regular basis? Do you take in the sunrise or marvel at the wonder of how the moon revolves around the sun? Do you consider the talents and abilities you have that make you successful at your job? Or the family and friends who love you and care for you? Continue reading

In Christ I Am With You

Jesus had one prayer when he came to his Father. He wanted his people to live as one. But what does it look like to live together? This week Pastor Derrick shares what it means to live as one. Being together means we: 

  • walk together 
  • worship together
  • work together 
  • love together 

Listen to see how each of these connect with your daily life! 

Check out the latest message!

Apart But Still Together

We’re now three weeks into a series on what it means to be In Christ. We’ve covered topics like In Christ I am a Child of God where we discussed our identity isn’t wrapped up in what we do but who’s we are. We moved on to In Christ I am Saved and looked at things from which we’re saved and those for which we’re saved. This week we’ll look at this whole idea of being In Christ from yet another angle as we discover what it means to be Together In Christ. Continue reading

Was It Really That Bad?

It was a little white lie. It was just a pack of gum. I didn’t mean to hurt them. I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. But it’s not as bad as what she did! These are just a handful of the excuses we use to justify our actions. We try to minimize the hurt we inflict or the damage we do. We don’t think our words can hurt that badly. We love to make grade levels for the wrongs we do in life. But how right is that? We say it’s to be fair but how fair is the grading system of wrongs?  Continue reading

Best News Ever

You’ll ever be enough. you’ll never match up to what everyone else is doing. You’ll never be the good enough version of yourself that you’re trying to be. You’re too short. You’re not smart enough. You’re too ____. The lies keep swarming around us like we’re a swarm of bees around a bee hive. But these aren’t the only ones we hear. There are plenty more! You have to put in a few more hours. You have to buy that new ____ because everyone else has one! You have to… You must do… You just need… Continue reading

Superheroes and Salvation

Who is your favorite superhero? Are you a masked hero kind of person? Do you prefer those like Spiderman or Batman? Or are you the quiet, unassuming type and prefer the Clark Kent type hero – who’s always Superman but doesn’t always show it. It really doesn’t matter who you prefer as your superhero of choice. The point is the superhero has one purpose – to rescue! If there is no villain, if you’re not trapped or in desperate need, then you don’t really need a superhero anymore. So what are the things from which you need rescued? And for what are you rescued? Continue reading

Who Was Jesus Anyway?

So who was Jesus? You don’t have to be a church type person to ask that question. It’s a simple question that people inside and outside the church have asked. We ask the question to validate our beliefs. We sometimes ask the question in an effort to prove someone wrong. In this What We Believe post we’re going to dig into the  basics of what we, as Christians, believe about Jesus. We won’t hit everything but we’ll try to cover the basics.  Continue reading

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