living for eternity today

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Wouldn’t it be great if we could just find the magical pill for happiness? I mean no more down in the dump kind of days. No more sadness. No tears. No hurts or pains. No-one to squash your dreams for life and a future. No-one to tell you that you’re not good enough. No more trying to always run and never seem to get anywhere. Trying to find that magical formula for happiness sometimes sometimes feels like running on a treadmill. No matter how fast you run, you never really get anywhere. So where is it that happiness is found?

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Kill The Spider

On a journey to address some of his major shortcomings and challenges in life, Carlos Whittaker enters into a pretty intense therapy retreat. Don’t let the therapy idea scare you. It’s not filled with therapeutic dialogue. It’s one man’s journey to finding the root cause of the troubles he’s facing. The premise of the book is pretty simple. You can’t simply clear up the spiderwebs and expect them to stay away. You must deal with the spiders!

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Wedding, Water, Wine & Woman?

Three pretty significant things happen in the text for this past Sunday’s message. Feel free to check that out here. The Bible story was from John 2:1-12. It’s a familiar passage commonly referred to as the Wedding at Cana or the Water into Wine Miracle. Many of us approach this passage with questions and wonder what Jesus was up to with this miracle. We ask questions like why was it at a wedding? Why did he start with water? Why did he choose to do this miracle in the first place? And why did he call his own mother – woman!?!? This post will hopefully address a few of these questions.

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What’s So Special About This First Miracle?

This week we take another famous section of Scripture and look at it from another angle. It’s called the wedding at Cana. Jesus performs his first miracle there. Jesus’ first miracle is often talked about for its uniqueness. Why the water? Why the wine? Why the stone jars? This week we’re going to reframe this passage and focus on a part we rarely notice. Listen as Pastor Derrick shares a potentially new perspective on this familiar section!

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You Say

We love to compare ourselves with standards made by society. The world tells us we’re not good enough. The world tells us we don’t measure up. The world tells us we don’t look good enough. The world tells us we weigh too much. The world tells us we need to just try harder. But the world will never tell us when we’ve made it. It will never say we’ve achieved perfection or even goodness for that matter. In the eyes of the world we’ll always be lacking!

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The UN-wisemen

What appears to be foolish might be wisdom in disguise.

We often get so confused about some of the stories in the Bible. Throughout this year we’re going to look at some of these familiar stories in the Bible and see their meaning from a different perspective. Last Sunday was a special Sunday in the church year known as Epiphany. Now Epiphany is the day we celebrate as the twelfth day of Christmas, or the day the Magi (aka wisemen) visited Jesus. It was up to two years after his birth and definitely not in the manger!

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God With Us As Our Guide

When we go through life we often miss the sites along the way. We sometimes miss the highlights that are part of the journey. In life we need a guide to point out the way to where we’re going but also to help us see the important parts along the way. This Christmas we pray you find the way to Christmas Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Life. That way was found in a manger, and his name is Jesus. May God be with you as your Guide this Christmas. 

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Born On That Day

This has been called the most wonderful time of the year. It’s the season of light and life and all things great! People are more loving and kind. People go out of their way to make others feel more loved. It’s the season of giving. It’s the season of generosity. But before we celebrate all of those thing, give a moment and pause to remind yourself what this day is really all about.

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God With Us In Our Darkness

Darkness is sometimes comforting because you can hide the things you don’t want seen. But darkness is also somewhat terrifying because we don’t know what’s lurking in the dark recesses of our lives. This week we journey into the darkness to find the power of the light. We look at one verse in John’s gospel that overflows with powerful imagery and life-changing truth. Listen this week as Pastor Derrick unpacks the rich truths in John 8:12 and what it means when Jesus says I am the light of the world.

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