living for eternity today

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Mercy Is A Song

So many words we use in church are hollow and meaningless. We use them every week but rarely do we talk about their thrust and emphasis. In this week’s MusicMonday, we find an old song that’s new to me. It’s called Mercy Is A Song. If mercy was a song, what would it sing to you? What would it’s melody sound like? How would the chorus ring from your lips and your hands? If mercy is a song, is it one you can hear from those around you? How well do you sing this song to others?

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If it was a snake it would’ve bit me!

Have you ever been looking for something only to find it right next to you? I do this all too often with my sunglasses. I put them on top of my head and then look all over trying to find them. I look in the drawer and on the counter. Then I’ll likely blame someone for taking them! When we can’t find what’s right in front of us, it’s all too easy to make it someone else’s problem.

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Whole Heart

Life is a funny thing isn’t it? One day you’re on top of the world and everyone knows who you are and they’re singing your praises (well not really but you get the idea) – then the next day it seems like you’re invisible! One day everything is right and the next nothing goes right at all! How does that happen? How is it possible that we can go from joyful to distraught in the blink of an eye? How can we move from the best day of our lives, when our names are in lights to the bottom of the barrel and ignored by the masses?

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From Believing to Belonging

There’s a lot of ink that’s been spilled about believing and having faith. The Bible is even filled with talk on this subject. Believing is important for certain! We’re called to believe and be baptized. We’re told that faith without works is dead. Jesus wants us to have faith even like the size of a mustard seed and we can move mountains. But is there more to this Christian life than mere faith? Are we called to do more than just believe?

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Please Don’t Say Goodbye

This year for Good Friday we looked at stories from the Bible that are familiar and yet we saw them in a little different light. As we saw the pain that Jesus endured on the cross we were tempted, like his disciples to sit in despair for a minute or two We were tempted to let his death bring devastation to our day. But we know that’s just not how this works. Even though we know that it’s Friday and Sunday is coming, we often have a little fear or depression that sets in on Good Friday.

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Perfect Love Pursues

Have you ever loved someone who didn’t love you back the same way? Maybe it was that cute girl in High School or that guy you just got all starry eyed about. You loved them but didn’t know how to show or even say it. So you kept it inside waiting for them to make the first move. But it never happened. You loved but felt like you were invisible or worse yet rejected. Not much consolation but you’re not alone in this feeling!

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What if we really prayed?

This week we continued our journey through the book of Exodus with a brief stop in Exodus 32. This is the story of the Israelites rebelling against God by doing their own thing. They take matters into their own hands. They grew impatient and made their own idol to worship. But it’s not just the Israelites who have this problem. It’s not just this group of God-followers who are stiff necked and self-centered. We are exactly the same!

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Everybody Always

Bob Goff is a great writer and has made me realize something simply by the choice of covers on his books. This is Goff’s second published book and both have something in common – balloons! Balloons on the cover are so fun and vibrant and honestly simply nonthreatening. But there’s more to this book than just balloons on the cover. The theme of the book is about loving others how God loves us. This book answers the questions: who does God want us to love and when does he want us to love them? The answer…

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Build My Life

What kinds of things define who you are? What kinds of things make your day? What about ruin them? We all have a tendency to put too much weight into one thing and not enough into another. We gravitate to things that provide instant gratification. But what happens when the job is lost or the diet no longer works or exercise isn’t giving us the results we’re hoping! What happens then? What happens when we realize we’ve probably built our lives on simply the wrong things?

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Grip of Grace

The Grip of Grace is written by Max Lucado. And if you’re looking for an author and a style of writing that really puts you in the middle of the page, it’s Lucado! His writing is personal and has a way of letting you experience what he’s seeing. This particular work by Lucado is equally powerful! Lucado takes time in his work to contrast the ideal of grace with the things we try to measure up to grace.

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