living for eternity today

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When One Door Closes

Earlier this year, I was asked to step into a role within our larger church body to serve as a Regional Facilitator. It’s a bit of a fancy term for a guy who walks alongside congregations in a specific (yet very broad) geographic area to assist with a variety of ministry and mission objectives. How’s that for vague?! Some of these tasks will include vision planning, financial and stewardship emphases, and church revitalization/planting and so much more!

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Every Giant Will Fall

The church is quiet. Not a peep is being made. This is a far cry from last week! Last week this place was bustling with activity for our very own 2019 Giants VBS! This year we decided to write our own curriculum because we had the talent to do it! I’m in awe of the way God provided for what we needed with so many willing hands and skilled men and women this week! And I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a huge shout out to Maddy for all the behind the scenes work she did to keep this ministry moving! It was a giant of a task! But VBS isn’t the only giant we face in life is it?

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About a year ago in church we talked about a word that got all the kids giggling. One of our youth led the children’s time and talked about the big but in the Bible. She mentioned that but is a pretty important word if we really think about it. But clues us in to a massive change in thought, purpose and intent.

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A Nugget From A Minor

Being a pastor I get the chance to study the Bible and teach what I learn. And honestly I’ve been learning a lot lately! I’m not sure how it happened but for a time it felt like I heard less new to me stuff and kept almost recycling the information I already knew. But starting the first of the year over at Living Word Galena we started a new sermon series titled Reframe. The point was to take what we know and look at it from a different angle, kind of like looking at an old picture after it’s been reframed. Well this process has been massively rewarding! It’s been so rewarding that I’ve started to implement this idea in all of my reading.

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Relief and Restoration

While doing my daily check on facebook, I came across a cry for help. My sister-in-law lives in the Dayton area, an area that was recently wrecked by tornadoes. Thankfully she and her family were safe and suffered no loss, but many in the communities surrounding her were devastated. The church she attends became a holding tank and volunteer station for the greater Beavercreek area and they needed help providing hope to the community.

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the 99

Imagine for a moment having 100 of something, anything really, and then losing one of them. For those of you who are slow at math, that leaves you with 99 remaining. What would you do about the one you lost? Let’s say for instance you had 100 pennies and dropped one under the couch. You move the couch but can’t find it. How much more would you dig for it? What about if it wasn’t pennies but something of more value like an animal. I don’t know, say sheep. You have 100 sheep and one of those pesky little critters runs away. What would you do?

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Gates, Pools and Healing

I find some of the stories in the Bible to be truly peculiar. Some of the stories fit perfectly with what we would expect, while others seem to be a little challenging understand. This might be one of those stories that seems a little odd. I mean Jesus healing is good and all that and really not out of the ordinary at all. But some of the detail seems a little strange to be added into the account. Let’s look a little closer to see what exactly we can learn and why it’s important.

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While I Wait

I’m not a very patient person. One time I made the mistake of praying for patience! Let’s just say don’t do that! God’s not in the business of giving patience. He teaches it! But that’s a post for another day. When we focus on the waiting, it feels like forever! Maybe you’re waiting on the promotion at work? Maybe you’re waiting on the forever someone to enter your life to be your spouse? Maybe you’re waiting on a clear bill of health? Or just an answer to a problem? What do you do while you wait?

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I’ve told the story before about walking across campus in college when a professor asked me how I was. You know the kind of asking when you really don’t expect an answer? Well that’s exactly what this was. He asked and kept going without even listening to my reply. Knowing this I replied how terrible my day was and that I was considering dropping out of school. He kept his pace, didn’t miss a beat and said Good for you. Keep it up!

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