living for eternity today

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What’s The Point?

There are some days when you just get to the end of the day and you wonder what was the point of this day anyway? I mean what’s the point of a day spent getting nothing on your calendar knocked off? Or what about the task list that is ever growing and seemingly never getting something taken off the list? Are days when you don’t get anything done really a wasted day?

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The Main Thing

Have you ever read something that just stuck with you? Maybe it’s a book or an article or a website or a bible verse, but there was something about it that just made it stick. This week we camped out on a part of the bible that did just that. It stuck with me. I’ve read it before but there was something different about this time. This time my heart was in the right place to hear it and my soul was just dry enough that this was the water it needed. I pray it meets you where you are as well. Here’s a quick summary of the message from Sunday.

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Church (Take Me Back)

Ever feel like you just don’t belong in this world? Ever feel like something is missing? Ever have that feeling like you’ve lost something you once had? This week we go to church. It’s the place where we belong. It’s the people we call family and friends. It’s the time when time stands still. But it’s not a building. It’s not a time. It’s not a location or a service. It’s a people with a message and a mission.

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We Made It!

The journey started on Tuesday with a 5:45am departure from Dublin, Ohio. Then a very long 13 hours later and we’re arriving at our final destination – Minneapolis, Minnesota. The ride was long but uneventful. A couple of car sickness issues and a headaches were had by the group but all in all it was a safe and relatively easy trip.

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Make A Way

I’m preparing to head out to a pretty monstrous event this week. I’ll be surrounded by 25,000 young people who are all gathering for one reason, to worship and grow in their faith. I’ve been to this gathering several times before and it’s always a fantastic experience! This year they’re bringing in recording artist I Am They. This group has become a favorite of mine. They’re more mellow than some but they’re songs have a powerful message. Not too long ago I wrote about their song Scars. It’s definitely worth a listen! But today we’ll focus on a new one.

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Raise a Hallelujah

This week it’s time to rise above the challenges in life. We all have them. Struggles are all around us. Enemies are larger than life. Doubts flood our minds. Heartbreak settles in. Fear overtakes us. Darkness seems to win. No matter where we turn it seems as if we’re getting farther and farther behind in life and we just don’t know where to turn. And to make matters worse, our worship life is flat at best and we feel all alone going through these horrific moments.

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The Ego Driven Life

I recently had a chance to sit and chat with a friend in my office. We talked the normal things like life and ministry and all that but a comment has stuck out in my mind. We hit the idea of ego-centricity in our lives. Admittedly the point was that as infants we begin as very self-centered and egotistical animals! (No malicious intent here just go with me for a minute.) Then we kind of come out of it as we develop our relational and communication skills a bit. But when we get older we tend to swing back into that ego-centered life once again.

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Driving People to Drink

I love chips and salsa! I will frequently grab a bowl full of salsa and a bag of tortilla chips and sit down for a quick snack. But there’s one problem. Chips and salsa have a lot of salt in them! The more you eat the more thirsty you get. The more chips I eat the more water I need. It’s like a never ending cycle! Salt naturally makes you thirst and desire liquid refreshment!

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Warning: Contains Honesty

It’s a shame but it’s the truth. Sometimes we have to warn people when we’re being honest. We live in a culture that’s become so sensitive to challenges of opinion that when a disagreement occurs we automatically jump to the defensive. But this isn’t healthy! We need disagreement to grow. If we can’t disagree with someone and talk through it, we are much to be pitied! To that end, if you’re not interested in truth, honesty and perhaps being offended then just stop reading right here. But if you think you can handle the truth, then carry on.

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