living for eternity today

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Church It’s Time To Wake Up!

A recent article was released by John Cooper, lead singer of the Christian rock band Skillet. This article struck a cord in my heart so I thought it might be something worth diving into here on the blog. Let me start by saying that I totally and completely support what Cooper wrote and the direct nature of his words. I couldn’t have said it any better. But I do have a fear of how this will be read, hence me adding my two cents worth.

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Where does your identity come from? Some say it’s what you do. Others say it’s what you have. Still others say it’s what you believe. But what if our identity wasn’t about something that we achieved but something we received. That’s the theme of this week’s message. True identity isn’t about us at all; it’s about what’s been done for us.

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Borrow (One Day At A Time)

Anxiety! Worry! Fear! Stress! They’re everywhere! Just turn the corner and a new mountain of tasks mounts on yoru desk and another pile of to-do’s is added to your list. Then consider back to school, extracurriculars, keeping the house organized, the big project at work, Christmas is really not that far away, volunteer hours, and the list goes on and on. It’s almost like there’s just too much worry to be able to healthily manage our day to day affairs!

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Less Is More

The saying is older than me and I have no clue where it comes from, but I’m certain we’ve all heard it. Less is more! The idea is simple. Do less in a more intentional way and you’ll end up being more effective in the long run! So the question we need to address as individuals and organizations is What are we doing that we don’t need to be doing anymore?

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Ever look in a mirror and not really like what you see? Ever think you’re not really cut out for this thing? Maybe you wrestle with not feeling like you’re good enough. Self-esteem in the ditch and purpose waning like it doesn’t even exist? I have to admit this is a problem for so many people. It’s easy to put on a show like you’ve got it all together. We put on a smile and act all confident but inside we wonder why in the world God chose us to do this thing.

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The Basics

Life has been flying by at a frenzied pace lately. Not sure if it’s the same for everyone but I’m fairly certain we’re all in a very similar boat here. We have pressures from work and home life. The yard needs mowed and flowerbeds need constant attention. The kids’ schedules are filling the calendar and the weekends are already showing signs that this will be a busy season for you! Your older kids need some attention but your younger ones need a whole new level of attention. All of this and we haven’t even considered your personal time or the time needed to invest in your marriage!

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Tyranny Of The Urgent

Last week in the post titled What’s the point? I referenced the idea of the tyranny of the urgent. And as promised here’s a quick rundown of what that looks like and how to better manage the important and urgent portions of life. Before we begin, I must confess. There was a time in my life when I was something called an adrenaline junky. Adrenaline Junkies are dangerous people. We’re dangerous because there’s not a lot we can’t do but we’ll run most people over in an effort to get them done. Additionally, they’re dangerous because they get all fired up and go like gangbusters when they’re pushed to the limit of time and ability.

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The Answer Is…

For millennia there has been a constant in the world. It’s the same yesterday, today and will be honestly forever. The problem however is that we tend to not live like we already know the answer. We try to add a little here or change a little there. We make a tweak or a twist and try to put our own little spin on things. But the reality of the matter is in our lives there really and truly is one answer to the struggles, pains, loneliness and other issues we face. There’s only one real place to go where we can find meaning and peace and comfort and connection beyond our ability to grasp.

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From The Day

A band that has found a spot on my playlist a lot lately is the group I AM THEY. This week’s MusicMonday is about the places where God finds us. All too often we approach church life and life in Christ as if we need to arrive before we get there. It’s like we think we need to shed the junk of our lives before coming to meet Jesus. There is so much flawed in this thinking! There is so much wrong in this approach to life that it’s almost impossible to write about it all! The short version is this…

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