living for eternity today

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Stand In Your Love

As a pastor, I kind of have a thing for worship. I believe it’s important to say the very least. As a matter of fact, I think we should all find a place to connect with God in worship with other people who believe what and how we believe! But that’s not all worship is. For so many Christians, worship is something that has to happen in a place at a certain time. It can only last a certain length of time and we have to act a certain way while we’re there. But what if worship was more than a 60 minute time slot on Sundays?

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You’ll Catch Up

Have you ever had someone you look up to who seems to have the perfect marriage begin to show signs that something’s just not right? What about you, have you ever been there in your own marriage? Journeying through a marriage has so many highs and some lows as well. But how we manage the lows is just as important as the number of highs! Dealing with the lows of marriage is critical! This is why I strongly encourage all couples getting married to have a few sessions of pre-marriage counseling.

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Night to Shine

I’ve been holding onto some news for about a week now and it’s just eating me up, so I have to let you all in on a little (ok maybe not so little) secret. This past week I was made aware that the church I pastor has been selected to be a host site for the 2020 Night to Shine. This event will take place at Living Word Galena on February 7, 2020! If you’re unfamiliar with Night to Shine, it’s a powerful experience that’s organized by the Tim Tebow Foundation where students with special needs get a prom all their own. They get to dance, sing, take pictures, be the stars they are and in the end they’ll be crowned Kings and Queens of the prom! It’s an amazing experience! Just check out this video.

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Be And & Kind Of Person

In our lives, we have a tendency to feel like we have to choose. Well, in some cases that’s very true. I mean some things in life require a choice, but not everything! Over the next 6 weeks, we’re going to journey through something called the Red Letter Challenge at Living Word Galena. This challenge is all about finding the words of Jesus and seeing where they lead us. So for the next 40 days or so we’re going to do a daily reading together, join small groups and these Sunday messages will chart the course for the week ahead.

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Red Letters

This week at Living Word Galena we started something called the Red Letter Challenge. The idea behind the RLC is to look through the bible for the most powerful words of the bible and then apply them to our lives. The RLC was written as a 40 day devotion, small group and sermon series by Zach Zender. You can look into the book here. But the red letters we’re referring to here are the ones in the New Testament of the Bible. They’re the words attributed to Jesus. These are the words that aren’t just inspired by God through earthly writers. These are the words of Jesus, the very Son of God. Now understand that all of the bible is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training to be certain! But through this study, we’ll be pulling the red letters of Jesus off the pages and seeing where our lives match up to His teachings.

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Can We Really Make It?

In just a few short months my wife and I will make it to our 20th Wedding Anniversary. Yes you should crown her for that accomplishment because I can be a bear to live with I’m certain of it! But what’s even more interesting is that in addition to our 20 years of marriage, we started dating when I was a Sophomore in High School. So needless to say, we’ve been together for several years beyond that 20! But how do we do it? How does a couple get past the differences and disagreements and get to a married life that lasts?

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Who’s Your Real Enemy?

What’s the real problem you’re dealing with? It might not be what you think it is.

I’ve been reading a lot of social media posts lately about people being against Jesus and against religion as if they’re the same thing. I believe there’s a misunderstanding about who Jesus is and what religion is all about. To say that religion and Jesus are the same is a gross misunderstanding of reality and a complete missing of the point of both!

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When Good & Evil Collide

Eighteen years ago the world was forever changed. It was a day that our modern generations will remember forever. You’ll know where you were when you first heard the news. You’ll remember the way our nation become truly one nation as intended. You’ll feel the overwhelming sense of patriotism course through your veins. You’ll pause and thank a service man or woman, even if only quietly in your head. Today was a day when good & evil collided. While it looked at first like evil won, we still woke up the next morning.

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Great Fish…Greater God!

This week we wrapped up our sermon series titled Jesus is Greater. In this series, we’ve discovered how Jesus is greater than everything! This week we take that truth and apply it to our problems and the giants we face. It’s easy to let our troubles and temptations and challenges seem so large that they’re all we see. But what would happen if we stopped looking at the giant problem and started looking at the giant God?

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Strength To Let Go

We generally fit into one of two categories. We’re either the can’t do anything right kind of people who are always down on ourselves and blame ourselves for the slightest problems that we had nothing to do with! Or we are prideful and arrogant and claim success and deny our own failures. Rarely is there a middle ground! This week’s Music Monday is about making the switch from both of these to the right way of living. It’s about finding the strength to let go of ourselves that we can find who we truly are in Christ.

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