living for eternity today

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My Testimony

We see some pretty big things in our world. Witness a tornado rip through a town and take one house but leave another untouched – miraculous! See the birth of a child and you’re left in awe. There are life changing moments that happen very day in so many different ways it’s uncanny. But there’s one thing that will forever change who I am that it’s the source of my testimony.

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The Bible & S.O.A.P?

Ever think you can learn about reading the Bible better from a bar of soap? We all use it. At least I sure hope we all do! Now more than ever people are aware of how and when they use soap and washing and cleanliness. But have you ever considered how something as simple as a bar of soap can teach you how to deepen your faith and make your walk with Jesus more intentional?

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Powerful Words


The old adage is so wrong. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me. I’m not sure who came up with that load of nonsense but they obviously lived in isolation from everyone their entire life. Words have power. Yours and mine! So be careful how you use them. But our words aren’t the most powerful words around. There’s a word with far more power.

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Blessing I Can’t See

I don’t know about you, but I have to really think about what day it is when I wake up in the morning. These days are running together and without my good friend Siri, I’m not sure that I would be able to figure out what day of the week it is! So when the world seems off and the days are too long it helps me to realize that there is likely something going on that I can’t even see. Perhaps there’s a blessing hidden in plain sight.

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Discipleship In A Digital World

Digital Discipleship

By now many of us have started to acclimate to this fully digital and physically distant world in which we now live. With the inability to meet together we have been forced to come up with creative and technology rich solutions for our meetings, study times, worship services and even our extended family time. But how do we maintain a life-to-life discipleship approach in a fully digital and socially distant society?

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Responding To Crisis

This past week I had the honor of traveling with two men to the hard hit areas surrounding Seneca, South Carolina. On Easter Sunday into Monday tornadoes ravaged this area. Roofs were torn from houses. Trees crushed homes. Lives were forever changed. Some areas were total losses while others were barely touched at all. But the fear and stress of this happening during our national shelter in place orders have made for added anxiety to those displaced by this horrific storm.

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The Old Rugged Cross

Well it’s Tuesday but given our circumstances it seems everyday is a Monday and a Friday all at the same time. So here’s this week’s MusicMonday brought to you on a Tuesday! Now before you get too far into this, you’ll quickly realize that this week’s song is an old and very popular song in the church world. This song has been played and sung so many times I can’t even count it. But recently on a trip this song was on the playlist and it reminded me of my grandpa who has more days behind him than before him. This was and still is his song. And I honestly hope that it’s yours as well.

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Can We Take Communion?

This is the weirdest Holy Week I can remember. Nothing seems right. Nothing seems normal. Nothing seems holy about this week really. As I sit in the sanctuary with the room nearly empty. A handful of faithful servants have been there for every service we’ve shared with the world. But something just isn’t the same. Add to it there have been lots of things missing this Holy Week that normally would be there and this week feels just so off!

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