living for eternity today

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Phone Second

The Pros and Cons of cellphones in schools – Dobie News

The final daily habit we want to take up in our creating a new daily habit series is to not grab the phone first. This is probably harder than most people realize. Unfortunately the phone has become an extension of ourselves to the point that we grab it before we grab anything else.

This isn’t a healthy scenario. Grabbing for our phone, whether it’s for work or social media or even just playing games, it sets our minds and hearts in a distracted place. When we reach for our phone to scroll our social media feeds, we are all too tempted to start comparing ourselves to the likes and shares of those around us. We don’t have teeth as straight as the perfectly polished selfie we just saw. Our tree doesn’t look nearly as nice as theirs does. We wish we could lose weight the way she did. Or be as strong as he is.

There are so many things that happen in our social media lives that are just not healthy or good. But it’s not just there either. When we roll out of bed and glance through our work emails or fiddle with our virtual games we set our minds on things that don’t provide any lasting benefit.

Instead a practical first step for us should be to grab our Bible and start each day as followers of God with a quick read through something from God’s word. It may sound cheesy or like a bit of a gimmick but it’s honestly the best way to start the day!

When we open the bible first thing in our day, we automatically set our minds to be looking for the ways that God is already at work around us. Try it for 7 days and see what happens. Let me know how it works for you. Tomorrow we’ll begin looking at some weekly habits we can start that will again be helpful in setting us up for greater success in life.

All I Need For Christmas

All I Need For Christmas by TobyMac & Terrian on Amazon Music -

Trying to find newer songs for Christmas isn’t really all that easy, so when I find one I like to highlight it here. This one was brought to my attention recently and I feel it has a pretty good upbeat feel. Add to it a good message and we have a hit!

Today’s MusicMonday is about your Christmas list. What’s on your list? Do you know what you want for Christmas this year? For many our lists contain clothes or additions to our home. Some have electronics on their list while others it’s all about jewelry. Whatever is on your list perhaps there’s something better.

This year has been especially difficult for many people. We’ve all struggled in ways that we weren’t expecting to say the very least. I heard someone talking recently about their Christmas list. And it struck me that their list didn’t contain anything for themselves! They built their list around what they wanted to get everyone else. Wouldn’t it be great if we all thought like that? How much different would the world be if we focused on what we could do for others instead of what we want for ourselves!

This year as you prepare for Christmas, stop for a minute and take inventory of all the amazing things you already have in your life. Think about the many blessings and the tremendous relationships that surround you. These and so many more moments in our lives are all part of what we already have. So essentially everything we need for Christmas, we probably already have!

Be The Moon?

Throughout my childhood I loved the stars and all things space. It’s probably no wonder why I enjoyed the original Star Wars trilogy growing up. Space was and still is truly fascinating! One thing about space that always has thrilled me was the concept that the moon has no light of its own to shine but merely reflects everything the sun gives it.

I’m no scientist or studier of the stars but if this really is true, then we need to be like the moon. The moon is held in orbit by the gravitational forces imposed on it and it only reflects the light that is shined on it. If we were like the moon, then we’d stay in proper orbit around the Son of God and we’d reflect His light into the world in which we live.

There you have it. We’ve been called sheep in the bible and numbered like the stars in the sky and grains of sand on the shore, but now we are also supposed to be like the moon! Reflect away my friends.

Technology Free Hour

No Tech-Zone

Over the years technology has pretty much exploded. We’ve moved from personal computers being in every household to laptops being in every briefcase to smart phones and smart watches being attached to nearly every human in our culture. The convenience of these technological advancements however needs to be weighed against their always on function.

It seems we can’t ever get away. While driving our watches buzz with incoming text messages. Trying to read or study or work and our email bings us continuously. We go on vacation and since we carry our office phone in our pocket, we’re on call nearly all the time.

Today’s daily habit that we want to try out is the habit of finding time to go tech free. Now stop twitching and relax. I’m only talking an hour. And if that still gives you the jitters then you probably do have a serious problem! But in all seriousness it’s important to step away from your devices for a decent amount of time.

One really easy way to do this is no tech during meals. We do this in our house. Our phones either stay in our rooms or on the counter while we eat supper. No ringers are on. Watches are not checked. It’s just a way to not let the distractions of the tech world invade our supper time solace. Our normal practice is not even to have the television on during meals.

The issue with technology isn’t that tech is all evil. The problem is that tech so easily distracts us. It’s like the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden. Technology draws us away from God.

One of the main issues with surrounding ourselves with so much technology during every waking hour is that we try to become present everywhere. But we can’t be present everywhere. The more we strive to be present everywhere the more we truly are present nowhere.

Practical Ideas

  • Use do not disturb mode. In this mode your phone will not alert you at all except those you mark as important or if someone calls you twice. This is a great way to not be awakened at night with alerts.
  • Tech basket at supper time. Get a basket and have everyone put their devices in it before sitting down at the table. Then put the basket away from the table so it’s not distracting.
  • No devices for 30 minutes before bed and after waking up. The rapidly moving pixels on our phones stimulate the mind. Scrolling social media while laying in bed could be the reason you’re having a hard time falling asleep. And jumping on your phone right away in the morning could be the reason you feel less than rested when you wake up.

There are many ways to go tech free. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what works for you. Hit me up or simply share your tips below.

Power Of Habits – Supper For 2

Yesterday we started talking about how small habits done over time can change things in a big way in our lives. We’re going to look at daily and weekly habits over an eight day time span here. These habits come from a book that I’m reading titled The Common Rule by Justin Earley.

The premise of the book is that our habits are the waters in which we swim. The more intentional we are about choosing our habits, the more we can direct the flow and pattern of our lives. The first habit we looked at was setting your Daily Frame. You can go here to read what was all about. Today we look at a habit that is best done on a daily basis.

Supper For Two

Some of the greatest rhythms in life happen when we’re with other people. And some of the most powerful moments of conversation and friendship develop over food. This habit is pretty simple. It’s the combination of people and a good meal.

Simply put find time to eat at least one meal a day with other people. From the lunch table at school or work to the supper table at home to the coffee shop or local pub we can always find a way to be with other people.

Practical Ideas

  • no phones at the table
  • If you’re at a bar and around other people you don’t know, don’t bury your head in your device so you can have the opportunity to talk with those around you.
  • Let one person share something going on in their life as you eat together.
  • Do highs and lows around the table.
  • Share your good, bad and funny stories of the day.
  • Read a devotion together.
  • Pray for one another.

The possibilities are pretty much endless. The point however is very simple. Life was meant to be shared in rhythm with other people. Let people into the daily parts of your life even if only once a week. This will establish the rhythm of community into your life.

Prepare With Prayer

As we make our way toward Christmas, we spend lots of time getting things ready. From the lights to the tree to the Christmas meal and all the trimmings of the season there is a lot to do to prepare for Christmas. And that doesn’t have anything to do with the presents that need purchased and boxed and wrapped!

In the same way we have to prepare for Christmas externally with all of the to-do list items needing done, we also need to make sure we’re in the right place spiritually and emotionally for Christmas. This kind of preparation might seem unimportant but honestly getting our heart and mind ready for Christmas is the most important thing we can do.

Whether we’re planning a large family gathering like we have in years past or a smaller more intimate setting in light of the current situation, there will be things that need done to prepare our heart and mind for Christmas. Last week we looked at getting ready by pondering the message of Christmas. Reading the Christmas story or doing your Christmas devotion is a great way to do this.

But moving beyond just reading and thinking about it, this week we focus on praying for the things God promises. The more we know the story, the more we’ll know what it’s all about and why we celebrate to begin with. As we move through this week of Christmas preparation, we spend time in prayer.

What do you need to ask God for? What do you need from him? Take time this season to pray and then watch what God will do in your life.

A Good Habit Changes Everything

5 Family Habits That Can Change Your Life

The year 2020 was not what I had planned. Well that’s true for many reasons and pretty much everyone I know! But it’s not for the reason you think. In 2019, I took to the task of reading a book a week. Well, by the end of the year I had consumed over 75 books. Some were longer and others shorter. Most were on audio but I still count those.

So as we began 2020 my goal was to keep up the task of diving into a new book every week. Things started pretty good. About 6 weeks in however the wheels fell off and I don’t think I’ve picked up a book to just read for myself since then! That all changed this morning. We’re well into December by now so I know I won’t be reading 50 books this year by any means but I know it’s important to start a good habit with the first step.

The first book I’ve decided to grab is called The Common Rule. And oddly enough it’s about creating daily and weekly habits to guide us through our days. My goal is to share each day’s habit here in a short summary post, so let’s get started.

Daily Frame

Throughout the book author, Justin Earley, shares eight distinct habits that range from daily to weekly things to keep us focused and propel us forward in life. The first habit is to frame our day with a moment of prayer.

Now before you dismiss this as irrelevant or not applicable, give me a minute to explain. When we frame our day in moments of prayer we’re setting the stage for a new perspective. Even if you’re not a believer in the power of prayer, just pausing three times a day to focus on the things you have in your life for which you can be thankful or the things with which you need help can be immensely beneficial!

Practical Steps

First thing in the morning, before you grab your phone or check any social media, before you talk to anyone else or really do much of anything find a quiet place to just speak a moment of thanks for the start of a new day or make your request known for the day ahead. This can be a super short one line sentence or a short story, that’s up to you. Just start here.

At that afternoon slump, or whenever that happens in your daily schedule, stop what you’re doing and reset your mind. Show your thanks by saying another prayer, or take this time to ask for focus. Whatever you need to do to reframe your afternoon.

Then before your body goes to full on rest mode at the end of your day, do this one more time. A short prayer to give thanks that today was so great! Or to just be thankful it’s all over.

A simple habit like framing your day in prayer can really help calm the waters of life in which you’re swimming. Be well! Tomorrow we’ll pick up another habit to look put into practice.

The Little Drummer Boy

For King & Country Celebrate One Billion Streams, Announce 'A Drummer Boy  Christmas' Album [Exclusive] :

This has to be one of my all time favorite remakes of this song. I’ve always loved the song but when For King and Country did this remake, I just couldn’t get enough of it! From the message of the song itself to the added drum intensity, the song just gives me chills.

The reason I like this song so much, regardless of who plays it, is the real message it gives. To some people, this remake is just a lot of noise and performance driven stuff. But think about it for a second. The drummer boy couldn’t do anything but beat the drum. It was noise to some. It was annoying to others. But it was his song and he played it with all he had.

As the drummer boy played for Jesus at his birth this was the only way he could honor the King of kings. He knew the child was special. He had no gold or frankincense or myrrh. He didn’t have an offering to give that was of any worldly value. All he had was his tiny, little drum.

As we continue our journey toward Christmas, we have to pause for just a moment to make sure we have a proper understanding of what this whole celebration is about anyway. It’s nice to give people the greatest gift of all time, but it’s not the size or cost of the gift that counts. It’s all about the heart.

Today’s MusicMonday is all about the heart. It’s all about playing your drum not worrying what others think of you or the noise you make. It’s about playing your drum for the King. So go. Play that drum. Play with all your heart!

Afraid Of The Dark

When I was a kid I hated the dark. I used to run down the hallway and jump into bed because I didn’t like what might be under my bed. My grandpa drove a semi truck and one story he told over and over was the time I was in the sleeper because he and my grandma were in the seats. He asked what I was doing back there and my reply was a pathetic I’m back here all alone in the dark.

Darkness is disturbing and disorienting. It’s filled with unknown things. We know that in a dark room, things can hide in the shadows. They can be good things, bad things and even scary things!

But the longer we sit in the darkness, the more accustomed we become to the lack of light. Our eyes adjust. Our other senses kick in, and we begin to manage our time in the dark much better the longer we stay without light.

This staying in darkness not only pertains to nights when the sun sets earlier and the moon doesn’t shine. We stay in darkness when we fail to give God the place of importance he demands. As a pastor it’s grown obvious through this pandemic that people growing weary. But with what are they weary?

I thought church members were weary with the distance requirements, mask mandates, and capacity issues. But I fear the longer this drags on, the more weary people are growing spiritually. This weariness factor is like the darkness illustration above. The longer we’re in this state of weariness, the more we acclimate to it. And the more ok we become with a lack luster spiritual life.

Isaiah tells his people to rise and shine. The church today need to rise and shine as well. Enough is enough. There is work to be done and the few can’t do it alone anymore. Leaders are tired. People are stressed. We all need to get back to gathering however, whenever, wherever we possibly can. The strength of the church isn’t found in darkness. It’s found in the light of God’s word. It’s found in growing together in our knowledge of who God is and what he’s done for us.

Do me a favor if you could. If you’re a church member of any church, see how you can get involved. Get involved in worship, not just Sunday mornings but whenever it’s offered. Be in bible class and small groups. Call people you haven’t seen in a while to keep community together. Support one another and the leaders of your church because in the same way your life and role has grown more complicated so has your church leaderships’ job.

Arise and Shine for the light of Christ has shined upon you. Now shine that in all you say and do.

What Are You Thinking About?

Can you believe that it’s almost Christmas? There’s something about this time of year that kind of lifts the spirits a little. I don’t really know exactly what it is. Maybe it’s the lights or the cool decorations? Maybe the tree with all the ornaments perfectly placed around? Whatever the reason, Christmas has a way of filling our minds with unique thoughts.

The famous holiday favorite, Twas The Night Before Christmas includes a line that talks about the things we let rattle around in our minds. The phrase goes while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. The idea is that when we get ready for Christmas many of us have a tendency to let the spirit of the season take over. Dancing sugar plums? I don’t even really know what a sugar plum is! But the idea of sugar and dancing during the Christmas season brings a little joy to many young faces that’s for sure!

As we near Christmas morning, our minds race to things like getting the perfect gift for that special someone, decorating the house with the lights and pretty colors, and having all of our favorite people over to our homes for those wonderful holiday parties.

What fills your mind this time of year? Not everyone is filled with smiles and happiness as we approach the end of December. Some are missing that loved one for the first time this Christmas. Others are wondering how they’re going to provide for their family since they were let go this year. Still others this year will be either apprehensive, cautious, or even a bit afraid of getting sick with that nasty virus plaguing the world.

But where do you go to find the joy this season? That first Christmas wasn’t really all that joyful, well at least in the preparation stages! Mary was a virgin and she was pregnant. That was a massive NO NO! She wasn’t even married and Joseph was a tad beside himself with the news. The whole situation was just filled with anxiety inducing conditions.

Yet somehow Mary was able to see something pretty spectacular as she prepared for that day. She took all that was promised and she pondered those words. She let the promises of the angel fill her mind. It wasn’t sugar plums dancing but salvation coming to the world that drove her to find joy that first Christmas.

What do you fill your mind with this time of year? I pray this season of preparing for Christmas is full of hope and peace and love and joy.

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