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The Little Drummer Boy

For King & Country Celebrate One Billion Streams, Announce 'A Drummer Boy  Christmas' Album [Exclusive] :

This has to be one of my all time favorite remakes of this song. I’ve always loved the song but when For King and Country did this remake, I just couldn’t get enough of it! From the message of the song itself to the added drum intensity, the song just gives me chills.

The reason I like this song so much, regardless of who plays it, is the real message it gives. To some people, this remake is just a lot of noise and performance driven stuff. But think about it for a second. The drummer boy couldn’t do anything but beat the drum. It was noise to some. It was annoying to others. But it was his song and he played it with all he had.

As the drummer boy played for Jesus at his birth this was the only way he could honor the King of kings. He knew the child was special. He had no gold or frankincense or myrrh. He didn’t have an offering to give that was of any worldly value. All he had was his tiny, little drum.

As we continue our journey toward Christmas, we have to pause for just a moment to make sure we have a proper understanding of what this whole celebration is about anyway. It’s nice to give people the greatest gift of all time, but it’s not the size or cost of the gift that counts. It’s all about the heart.

Today’s MusicMonday is all about the heart. It’s all about playing your drum not worrying what others think of you or the noise you make. It’s about playing your drum for the King. So go. Play that drum. Play with all your heart!

Afraid Of The Dark

When I was a kid I hated the dark. I used to run down the hallway and jump into bed because I didn’t like what might be under my bed. My grandpa drove a semi truck and one story he told over and over was the time I was in the sleeper because he and my grandma were in the seats. He asked what I was doing back there and my reply was a pathetic I’m back here all alone in the dark.

Darkness is disturbing and disorienting. It’s filled with unknown things. We know that in a dark room, things can hide in the shadows. They can be good things, bad things and even scary things!

But the longer we sit in the darkness, the more accustomed we become to the lack of light. Our eyes adjust. Our other senses kick in, and we begin to manage our time in the dark much better the longer we stay without light.

This staying in darkness not only pertains to nights when the sun sets earlier and the moon doesn’t shine. We stay in darkness when we fail to give God the place of importance he demands. As a pastor it’s grown obvious through this pandemic that people growing weary. But with what are they weary?

I thought church members were weary with the distance requirements, mask mandates, and capacity issues. But I fear the longer this drags on, the more weary people are growing spiritually. This weariness factor is like the darkness illustration above. The longer we’re in this state of weariness, the more we acclimate to it. And the more ok we become with a lack luster spiritual life.

Isaiah tells his people to rise and shine. The church today need to rise and shine as well. Enough is enough. There is work to be done and the few can’t do it alone anymore. Leaders are tired. People are stressed. We all need to get back to gathering however, whenever, wherever we possibly can. The strength of the church isn’t found in darkness. It’s found in the light of God’s word. It’s found in growing together in our knowledge of who God is and what he’s done for us.

Do me a favor if you could. If you’re a church member of any church, see how you can get involved. Get involved in worship, not just Sunday mornings but whenever it’s offered. Be in bible class and small groups. Call people you haven’t seen in a while to keep community together. Support one another and the leaders of your church because in the same way your life and role has grown more complicated so has your church leaderships’ job.

Arise and Shine for the light of Christ has shined upon you. Now shine that in all you say and do.

What Are You Thinking About?

Can you believe that it’s almost Christmas? There’s something about this time of year that kind of lifts the spirits a little. I don’t really know exactly what it is. Maybe it’s the lights or the cool decorations? Maybe the tree with all the ornaments perfectly placed around? Whatever the reason, Christmas has a way of filling our minds with unique thoughts.

The famous holiday favorite, Twas The Night Before Christmas includes a line that talks about the things we let rattle around in our minds. The phrase goes while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. The idea is that when we get ready for Christmas many of us have a tendency to let the spirit of the season take over. Dancing sugar plums? I don’t even really know what a sugar plum is! But the idea of sugar and dancing during the Christmas season brings a little joy to many young faces that’s for sure!

As we near Christmas morning, our minds race to things like getting the perfect gift for that special someone, decorating the house with the lights and pretty colors, and having all of our favorite people over to our homes for those wonderful holiday parties.

What fills your mind this time of year? Not everyone is filled with smiles and happiness as we approach the end of December. Some are missing that loved one for the first time this Christmas. Others are wondering how they’re going to provide for their family since they were let go this year. Still others this year will be either apprehensive, cautious, or even a bit afraid of getting sick with that nasty virus plaguing the world.

But where do you go to find the joy this season? That first Christmas wasn’t really all that joyful, well at least in the preparation stages! Mary was a virgin and she was pregnant. That was a massive NO NO! She wasn’t even married and Joseph was a tad beside himself with the news. The whole situation was just filled with anxiety inducing conditions.

Yet somehow Mary was able to see something pretty spectacular as she prepared for that day. She took all that was promised and she pondered those words. She let the promises of the angel fill her mind. It wasn’t sugar plums dancing but salvation coming to the world that drove her to find joy that first Christmas.

What do you fill your mind with this time of year? I pray this season of preparing for Christmas is full of hope and peace and love and joy.

O Come, All Ye Faithful

As I stand at my desk in my office and look out the window at the snow falling on this last day of November in 2020, I decided it’s time to start the journey toward Christmas. We’re in a time of year in the church known as Advent. It pretty much means waiting, preparing, anticipating what’s coming. And how fitting is that this year!

This year has been a doozie to say the least. We all need a little to look forward to don’t we? So we’re going to go full out in our push toward Christmas this year. It’s the season of life and light and joy and hope and peace and love. These things are needed more this year than ever before.

On this first Music Monday of the 2020 Advent season, we highlight an old familiar song. There’s something about groups that remake old songs and liven them up a little. I enjoy sitting in my office with my cup of coffee and just being taken to younger days when we’d sing this song in church on Christmas.

What are some of your favorite Christmas memories?

As we move toward Christmas, I want to be totally honest and tell you the only way Christmas can make a difference in our lives is if we realize it’s real meaning. It’s not about the packages and presents and decorations. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. The packages will be unwrapped. The presents will eventually grow useless. But Jesus, born for you will never grow old and will never be out of style.

So have a happy Advent season. Keep your eyes on the real meaning of Christmas. And find joy in the everyday moments this season!


This Year, I'm Thankful for You | Citrix Blogs

I’ll be honest, there was a point in this mess of 2020 that I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to find anything to be thankful for when Thanksgiving rolled around. I don’t have to remind you what all has happened this year. It’s been really close to awful at times. From illness to financial struggles, from relational issues to political divides this year seems to have brought everything all at once and thrown it at us!

But what happens when we flip the script on the year a bit? I mean think about it. I’m one of those people who believe that everything happens for a reason. Everything from not getting the closest parking spot to losing your job all happen for a reason. Having our normal routines totally thrown out of whack, while completely ridiculous and challenging, likely had a reason too. Our job as we approach Thanksgiving is to try to figure out what that reason might be.

I know that some of you are celebrating Thanksgiving away from family and it really doesn’t feel much like the holiday that you’re used to. But what can you do to keep that spirit of the season alive? Here are a few ideas that you can try to keep that thankful heart beating.

  • Send personal letters to loved ones instead of those preprinted cards.
  • Take more pictures of the times you do get to spend with friends and family.
  • Use social media to be social instead of bashing those who think different.
  • Use FaceTime to stay in touch with people you can’t see this year.
  • Launch a Zoom Thanksgiving feast and showcase your favorite Thanksgiving food.
  • Do a Drive-by visit to family you can’t see this year.
  • Be intentional about saying thank you for just about everything.
  • Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone. Make a significant impact in someone’s life that will change their world.

Thanksgiving is about attitude and heart not about life circumstances. When our heart and our attitude are in the right place, even the most challenging of 2020’s dealings won’t derail us too far.

From my family to yours have a wonderful, happy and blessed Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for each and every one of you.

Run To The Father

Run to the Father | The Banner

This world is full of burdens and many of those burdens are not ours to carry. The problem is we don’t know the difference between what we’re supposed to carry and what we should unload. When we hide our problems, we end up carrying them around with us. The weight of these problems can be crippling to say the least.

This week as you sit around the table with your family, or look in on them virtually, take a moment to unload those burdens. Don’t throw them at other people. But unload them on Christ. We’re invited to run to Jesus and give him our troubles.

Today, just pause for a minute. Consider the things that are weighing you down. Say a little prayer and give them to Christ. Then let yourself be held in the arms of the Father. Let him be your comfort. Let him be the one who keeps you strong and safe.

My prayer for you today is that you find rest for your soul, comfort from your pain, company in your loneliness, and calm for your distracted mind.

The Final Four

How To Stop Your Family Life Becoming A Battle Ground — NOT SO SMUG NOW

I’m pretty sure there are times in all of our lives when we get something so engrained into our minds that it’s hard to see it differently. Well this week I had a bit of an Aha moment. The lightbulb really went on for me when I was looking at some things I’ve seen a million times before. So why didn’t I get this one until now?

If you’ve ever heard of these things in the Bible called the 10 Commandments, then I would venture to guess that you’ve probably fallen into the same mindset when you think about them. But I’d like to stretch your mind a little, and help you see them from a little different angle.

Well, this week we were looking at the four remaining commandments in our series when it dawned on me. These all have a similar focus. Admittedly, their topics are not related at all but when you lay them side by side they really all deal with contentment.

Contentment is a tricky monster. It’s so easy to fall into the comparison game. But the danger of comparison is that we lose contentment. Take a few minutes and listen to this week’s message to where you fall on the contentment scale.


Revolutionary by Josh Wilson on Amazon Music -

Ok so I’m going to just be blunt for a minute. I’m sick and tired of this mess. No, I’m not talking about the whole covid thing, although I’m getting tired of that too but something bigger than that. I’m not even talking the politically charged world that’s become the normal, at least for now.

I’m talking about the hate. I’m sick and tired of the hatred people are slinging around lately. Have you ever been to the zoo? Ever watch the monkeys when they get upset with each other? They sling their crap at each other. Well, this world is starting to act like a bunch of monkeys doing just that very thing. And it’s ridiculous.

Look – I get it. You don’t agree with your neighbor. Who cares? Your family member voted for a different political candidate. Well, good for them. You don’t wear a mask but your friend does. Sure sounds like a ridiculous thing to let ruin a friendship to me!

Can you please tell me when hate became the new normal? Why is it that we feel so much more comfortable throwing people under a bus than having an honest and civil conversation? And when you have that conversation, don’t expect the other person to bend to your will. You see that’s the fallacy many are working with right now. They think that as soon as they present their case in a well-thought out manner, the other person no longer is allowed to disagree.

Well, sorry to be the bearer of truth here but if you’re allowed to have your opinion, then your neighbor is allowed to have theirs too.

This is not rocket science. It’s not even science! It’s common sense! Just be kind. Quit trying to be king. Just be kind! Don’t agree? Get over it. I’m not trying to be mean here but seriously don’t let a disagreement tear apart a friendship or family. Be kind!

You see if you really look at it. We can all defend our position. You can defend your political stance, but so can your neighbor. You can find someone who speaks your viewpoint on covid, or seatbelt use, or vaccines, or the safety of online shopping. But so can the person who does things different than you. The issue isn’t that we do things different. The issue is that we let difference divide and breed hate. Be kind!

Today’s Music Monday is about just that. It’s time for a revolutionary idea. Let’s get back to the basics of humanity for just a minute. Be kind! It’s really that simple. Disagree and be kind. Agree and be kind. Argue but be kind. Be angry but be kind. It’s possible – you should try it!

Are You Ready?

In our midweek assemblies at church, we’re digging through the messages found in the gospel account for that Sunday. So this week we took a deeper dive into Matthew 25. It’s the parable of the wise and foolish wedding attendants.

The story is about 10 bridesmaids who were all excited about the wedding that was to happen. In the frenzy of getting ready, half of them really showed how prepared they were while the other half showed a complete lack of understanding of how this whole night was going to go.

I explain in greater detail in the audio attached below but the gist is simple. Five of them had lamps with extra oil to help them navigate from the bride’s home to the groom’s home where the wedding party was to take place. The other five didn’t have enough oil, so they would not have made it all the way without some kind of trouble.

The five unprepared ones, the ones the Bible calls foolish, then tried to borrow oil from the wise ones. At face value it seems to be a reasonable request. But what they failed to understand is that when you take away from the one who has to give to the one doesn’t have then no one has enough. And essentially the system brings all into a deeper state of want. And it’s all because they weren’t prepared.

So the message Jesus teaches here is to be ready. Be ready for His return all the time. Not just some day off in the distance when he might come back, but today, now, in this moment. Are you ready?

But how do you get ready? For that one, you’ll have to give the following a listen.

Is This Significant?

Pisces: misunderstood genius! | Neon signs, Neon words, Neon quotes

What a year 2020 has become! I don’t know if anyone could have predicted the dumpster fire that this year has turned out to be. It sure doesn’t seem like anything is as it should be right now. But is any of this significant?

Over the past few days I’ve been looking back on what all has occurred throughout this monumental and earth shifting year. One thing that seems to keep coming back over and over again in my mind is one of the restrictions that many of our cities and states have implemented. Heck even the CDC has said this.

If you remember back to April and May of this year perhaps you’ll recall that we were all told to limit our gatherings to no more than 10 people. I think the reasoning was to limit the potential for spread of Covid and to make it easier to track back who all you’ve been with recently. At least that’s what I have understood from it all, and I didn’t think twice about it.

But recently I’ve heard a few different references to the number 10 and how it applies to the church and it’s got me thinking…is this significant? Is there a misunderstood genius behind all of this?

Now I’m not going to go all numerology on you or anything like that but let’s look at the history of the number 10 and why it might be significant here. In the Bible and in ancient Jewish tradition, the people were to come together to establish a synagogue or gathering of worshippers in a localized place. Well, enter what might be the significant part…

You had to have a minimum of, yep you guessed it, 10 people to constitute a synagogue. So what in the world might this mean?

Some might say that this is some demonic force trying to prevent God’s people from gathering in a mass numbers. While this could be? I’m not really sure that I buy that one. I don’t buy it because we’re still able to meet, albeit virtually but we’re still able to gather in many informal settings and the word is still able to be preached. Could the Devil be up to something? Of course he is! When isn’t he? But I think there might be another, and potentially more transforming thing happening here.

The ten mandate is still the case for some people. Much of the country has excluded places of worship from this mandate, but it does still apply in various locations to this day. But the number limitation holds for gatherings of people for many other purposes too. Enter the conspiracy theory portion of this post – don’t worry this is a positive conspiracy theory if that’s such a thing?

What if God was in control all along? Yeah I know he is but stick with me here. What if God was taking this whole pandemic craziness thing and using it as a way to allow some of our churches to stay within the guidelines while still doing, being and even growing the church?

Think about it – you can’t come to the church either because it’s not allowed based on this rule or because you’re just not comfortable in groups that large. But are you able and willing to be in a smaller group with a more controlled atmosphere? Could you gather and form your own grouping of say 10 people?

Ten doesn’t seem like that many, but God even said that for the sake of 10 faithful he would have delivered all of Sodom and Gomorrah. Whoa there’s that number again!

Could God be up to something? Are you unable to get back in your in-person worship space due to restrictions or comfort level? Are you willing to be one of 10? I think this is massively significant and something we need to be taking full advantage of in this weird and wild ride we call 2020. Want to be a group of 10…hit me up and we’ll see how we can resource you.

Who would have thought that something as simple as the number 10 could actually help?

Ok friends those are today’s random ramblings.

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